Frank Hammond

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Breaking Unhealthy Soul Ties: Do Your Relationships Produce Bondage or Joy?978-0-89228-139-82000Bill Banks · Susan Banks
Cerdos en La Sala = Pigs in the Parlor978-958-8285-91-72009Ida Mae Hammond
Cerdos en la Sala: Una guía práctica para la liberación978-958-95462-3-91991Frank e Ida Hammond · Ida Mae Hammond
Comfort for the Wounded Spirit: A Message of Hope for Those how are Bruised, Crushed or Broken978-0-89228-077-31994Ida Mae Hammond
Kingdom Living for the Family: Restoring God's Peace, Joy and Righteousness in the Home978-0-89228-100-81985
Les voleurs dans le temple: Un guide pratique vers la délivrance978-2-940285-00-61999Ida Mae Hammond
Manual for Childrens Deliverance978-0-89228-078-01996   "
Overcoming Rejection978-0-89228-105-31987
Pigs in the Parlor: A Practical Guide to Deliverance978-0-89228-027-82014Ida Mae Hammond
Pigs in the Parlour: A Practical Guide to Deliverance978-0-947852-97-91992   "
Repercussions from Sexual Sins: The Sexual Revolution is wreaking havoc on the family, the Church, and the individual's relationship with Jesus Christ.978-0-89228-205-02002
STUDY GUIDE: Pigs in the Parlor978-0-89228-199-22011
The Breaking of Curses978-0-89228-109-11993
The Discerning of Spirits978-0-89228-368-22014

Frank D. Hammond · Frank e Ida Hammond · Frank H. · Hammond Frank · Mr. Frank D. Hammond · Mr. Frank Hammond

90000 · Elia, Stichting · Freedom Publishing · Impact Christian Books · SOTERIA -DP- · Unilit


Frank Hammonds