Council of Europe

Other ISBN range for Council of Europe: Council of Europe (978-91-972854-...)

ISBN 978-92-871-3848-4 to 978-92-871-4206-1 < ISBN 978-92-871-4207-8 to 978-92-871-4540-6 > ISBN 978-92-871-4543-7 to 978-92-871-4831-5

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
978-92-871-4207-8La Contamination des denrées alimentaires par les dioxines
2000978-92-871-4208-5Dioxin contamination in foodstuffs
2001978-92-871-4210-8Council of Europe Parliamentary AssemblyOfficial Report of Debates: 20-24 September 1999 Pt.4: 1999 Ordinary Session (Official report of debates - Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly)
2000978-92-871-4212-2Coe Gazcttee Ministers Jan 2000
  ''978-92-871-4214-6Coe Official Gazette Parly Assembl
  ''978-92-871-4215-3Stratégies d'emploi pour promouvoir l'égalité des chances en faveur des personnes handicapées sur le marché du travail
  ''978-92-871-4216-0Council of Europe Publishing Council of EuropeEmployment Strategies to Promote Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities on the Labour Market: Integration of People with Disabilities
  ''978-92-871-4217-7Council of EuropeTackling Crime and Urban Insecurity in Europe Through Co-Operation Between Local Authorities and Police: Proceedings, Newcastle Upon Tyne, May 1998 (Studies and Texts)
2001978-92-871-4220-7Council of Europe Parliamentary AssemblyDocuments: 24-28 January 2000 Pt.1: Working Papers - 2000 Ordinary Session (Documents Working Papers)
2001978-92-871-4223-8Council of Europe Parliamentary AssemblyDocuments: 24-28 January 2000 Pt.2: Working Papers - 2000 Ordinary Session (Documents Working Papers)
2000978-92-871-4225-2Council of EuropeCriteria for the Management of Waiting Lists and Waiting Times in Health Care: Report and Recommendation No. R (99) 21 (Legal Issues)
  ''978-92-871-4227-6European Audiovisual ObservatoryStatistical Yearbook: Cinema, Television, Video and New Media in Europe
978-92-871-4228-3Coe Politiques Culturelles Europe (French Edition)
2000978-92-871-4229-0M. D'Angelo · P. VesperiniCultural Policies in Europe: Regions and Cultural Decentralisation
  ''978-92-871-4230-6Structure et fonctionnement de la démocratie locale et régionale. Fédération de Russie
  ''978-92-871-4231-3Structure and Operation of Local and Regional Democracy
2001978-92-871-4233-7Sustained Care of the Cultural Heritage Against Pollution
978-92-871-4238-2Coe Gaz Cttee Ministers Feb 2000
2000978-92-871-4240-5NAAttention Deficit/Hyperkinetic Disorders--Their Diagnosis and Treatment with Stimulants: Proceedings, Strasbourg, December 1999 (Drugs and Addiction)
2000978-92-871-4241-2Les délinquants usagers de drogues, en prison et après libération. Séminaire de Strasbourg, 4-6 octobre 1999 (Drogues & Toxicoman.)
  ''978-92-871-4242-9Coe Drug Misusing Offenders
  ''978-92-871-4243-6Council of Europe · Michael Kennedy · Eunan O'HalpinIreland and the Council of Europe
978-92-871-4244-3l'organisation judiciaire en europe
978-92-871-4245-0Judicial Organisation in Europe
2000978-92-871-4246-7Conseil de l'EuropeStructure et fonctionnement de la démocratie locale et régionale.: Estonie
2001978-92-871-4247-4Council of EuropeStructure and Operation of Local and Regional Democracy: Estonia - Situation in 1999
2000978-92-871-4248-1Andy FurlongVulnerable Youth: Perspectives on Vulnerability in Education, Employment and Leisure in Europe - an International Expert Report: 2000
  ''978-92-871-4252-8Council of EuropeMedical Examinations Preceding Employment And/Or Private Insurance: A Proposal for European Guidelines (Legal Issues)
  ''978-92-871-4255-9Trading in influence and the illegal financing of political parties
2000978-92-871-4256-6Conseil de l'EuropeCoe Family Mediation Recomm No R
  ''978-92-871-4257-3Council of EuropeFamily Mediation in Europe: Conference Proceedings
  ''978-92-871-4258-0Système de radio et télévision en Europe. Edition 2000/2001
  ''978-92-871-4259-7European Audiovisual ObservatoryRadio and Television Systems in Europe
  ''978-92-871-4261-0Council of EuropeYouth Policy in Sweden (National Youth Policies)
2000978-92-871-4263-4NAYouth Policy in the Netherlands (National Youth Policies)
  ''978-92-871-4265-8Council of EuropeYouth Policy in Spain (National Youth Policies)
2001978-92-871-4272-6Coe La Popmarche Du Travaileur
  ''978-92-871-4273-3Europe's population and labour market beyond 2000 (Population studies No. 2)
978-92-871-4275-7Coe Gazette Cttee Min March 2000
2000978-92-871-4279-5Council of EuropeThe Status of Public Officials in Europe: Recommendation No. R (2000) 6 and Explanatory Memorandum (Legal Issues)
  ''978-92-871-4280-1L'humanité n'a pas de nationalité. Discours 1999
  ''978-92-871-4281-8David Russell-JohnstonHumankind Has No Nationality: Speeches 1999 (General Publication)
2000978-92-871-4285-6Conseil de l'EuropeStructure et fonctionnement de la démocratie locale et régionale.: Italie
2001978-92-871-4286-3Council of EuropeStructure and Operation of Local and Regional Democracy: Italy - Situation in 1999
2000978-92-871-4287-0Structure et fonctionnement de la démloratie locale et régionale.: Autriche
  ''978-92-871-4289-4Theodor MeronLes incidences de la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme sur l'evolution du droit international public
  ''978-92-871-4290-0The Implications of the European Convention on Human Rights for the Development of Public International Law (Human Rights and Democracy)
978-92-871-4291-7Orientations pour le développement de législations et de systèmes de gestion du patrimoine culturel
2000978-92-871-4292-4Guidance on the Development of Legislation and Administration Systems in the Field of Cultural Heritage: A Document (Cultural Heritage)
  ''978-92-871-4293-1Council of EuropeGuidelines for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (Cultural Heritage)
  ''978-92-871-4294-8   ''Guidelines for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage (Cultural Heritage)
2000978-92-871-4295-5Council of EuropeGuidelines for the Protection of the Movable Heritage (Cultural Heritage)
  ''978-92-871-4296-2Le droit a un proces equitable
  ''978-92-871-4297-9The right to a fair trial
  ''978-92-871-4301-3Simon Mundy · Council for Cultural Cooperation · Mundy SimonCultural policy - A short guide
  ''978-92-871-4304-4Ruth TudorTeaching 20th Century Women's History: A Classroom Approach (History Teaching)
978-92-871-4306-8Coe Gaz Par Assem April 2000
978-92-871-4309-9European social charter collected texts 2nd édition
2000978-92-871-4310-5Council of EuropeEuropean Social Charter: Short Guide
2000978-92-871-4312-9Council of EuropeDesign of Court Systems and Legal Information Systems: Proceedings, Vienna, April 1999 (International Law)
  ''978-92-871-4313-6Conseil de l'EuropeStructure et fonctionnement de la démocratie locale et régionale. Pologne
  ''978-92-871-4314-3Council of EuropeStructure and Operation of Local and Regional Democracy: Poland - Situation in 1999
  ''978-92-871-4315-0NAThe Misuses of History: Symposium, Oslo, June 1999 (History Teaching)
  ''978-92-871-4316-7Conseil de l'EuropeEuropean Pharmacop 2001 Supp French
2000978-92-871-4318-1Council of EuropeEuropean Pharmacopoeia: 2001 Supplement, 3rd Edition
2001978-92-871-4321-1Council of Europe Parliamentary AssemblyOfficial Report of Debates: 24-28 January 2000 Pt.1: 2000 Ordinary Session (Official report of debates - Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly)
  ''978-92-871-4322-8Council of EuropeEuropean Convention on the Promotion of a Transnational Long-term Voluntary Service for Young People: Strasbourg, 11 May 2000 (European Treaty S)
2000978-92-871-4323-5Language learning and working competences
  ''978-92-871-4324-2Council of Europe · Committee of Experts on Flavourings Substances of the Council of EuropeNatural Sources of Flavourings
2002978-92-871-4325-9Mario D'AngeloCoe Poliques Culturelles En Europe
2001978-92-871-4326-6Mario D'Angelo · Council of Europe · D'Angelo MarioCultural policies in Europe: Local issues (Cultural policies - Training Series No. 4)
2000978-92-871-4327-3European Centre for Modern LanguagesLanguage Across the Curriculum: Network Processing and Material Production in an International Context (Language Learning (Ecml, Graz))
2001978-92-871-4330-3Status of hamsters, Cricetus cricetus, cricetus migratorius, Mesocricetus Newtoni and other hamster species in Europe
978-92-871-4332-7Ce Collreseuropconvhum Righ
2000978-92-871-4335-8General Guidelines for the Development of the Pan-European Ecological Network (Nature and Environment)
978-92-871-4337-2Coe Gaz Parl Assem May 2000
2000978-92-871-4339-6Coe Gazette Ctte Min May 2000
2001978-92-871-4340-2Coe Cadres Des Politiques Dinteg
2000978-92-871-4341-9Mary CousseyFramework of integration policies
  ''978-92-871-4342-6Le transsexualisme en Europe
2001978-92-871-4343-3Transsexualism in Europe
  ''978-92-871-4344-0Conseil de l'EuropeCoe Diversite Et Cohesion
2000978-92-871-4345-7Diversity and Cohesion: New Challenges for the Integration of Immigrants and Minorities (Community Relations)
2000978-92-871-4346-4Falk PingelLa maison européenne: représentations de l'Europe du 20e siècle dans les manuels d'histoire
  ''978-92-871-4347-1Falk PingelThe European Home: Representations of 20th Century Europe in History Textbooks (History Teaching)
  ''978-92-871-4349-5Conseil de l'EuropeLa marge d'appréciation: interprétation et pouvoir discrétionnaire dans le cadre de la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme
  ''978-92-871-4350-1Council of Europe Steven GreerThe Margin of Appreciation: Interpretation and Discretion Under the European Convention on Human Rights (Human Rights Files)
  ''978-92-871-4353-2NATowards a Spatial Development Strategy for the European Continent: Perspectives of Evolution of Rural Areas in Europe (European Regional Planning)
2000978-92-871-4354-9Herman Limpens · Peter Lina · Anthony M. HutsonAction Plan for the Conservation of the Pond Bat in Europe (Myotis Dasycneme) (Nature and Environment)
  ''978-92-871-4356-3Council of EuropeCodes of Conduct for Public Officials: Recommendation No. R (2000) 10 and Explanatory Memorandum (Legal Issues)
2000978-92-871-4357-0   ''1st International Symposium on the Pan-European Ecological Network - "Nature Does Not Have Any Borders--Towards Transfrontier Ecological Networks": Pr (Environmental Encounters)
  ''978-92-871-4359-4Anthony M. Hutson Council of EuropeAction Plan for the Conservation of the Greater Horseshoe Bat in Europe (Rhinolophus Ferrumequinum) (Nature and Environment)
  ''978-92-871-4360-0Conseil de l'EuropeTourisme et environnement: les enjeux naturels, culturels et socio-économiques du tourisme durable.: Actes, Riga (Lettonie), 9-11 septembre 1999
  ''978-92-871-4361-7Council of EuropeTourism and Environment--The Natural, Cultural and Socio-Economic Challenges of Sustainable Tourism: Proceedings, Riga, September 1999 (Environmental Encounters)
978-92-871-4363-1Coe Offic Gaz Parl Assemb Part
978-92-871-4366-2Ce Offic Gazcouncil Europe Comm
978-92-871-4368-6Coe Off Gaz Coun Eurcongr Loc
2000978-92-871-4373-0Conseil de l'EuropeStructure et fonctionnement de la démocratie locale et régionale. Royaume-Uni
2001978-92-871-4374-7Council of EuropeStructure and Operation of Local and Regional Democracy: United Kingdom - Situation in 1999
2000978-92-871-4375-4   ''Workshop on Ecological Corridors for Invertebrates--Strategies of Dispersal and Recolonisation in Today's Agricultural and Forestry Landscapes: Procee (Environmental Encounters)
2000978-92-871-4377-8Council of EuropeAccess to Legal Norms: Proceedings, Borovets, November 1998 (International Law)
2001978-92-871-4378-5Christopher Nuttall · Kauko Aromaa · Tony Peters · Ivo Aertsen · Hannu TakalaCrime and Criminal Justice in Europe
2000978-92-871-4381-5Strategies for Educational Reform: From Concept to Realisation
  ''978-92-871-4383-9Council for Cultural Co-operation Education CommitteeLa diversité linguistique en faveur de la citoyenneté démocratique en Europe. Actes de la Conférence, Innsbruck (Autriche) 10-12 mai 1999
  ''978-92-871-4384-6NALinguistic Diversity for Democratic Citizenship in Europe: Proceedings, May 1999 (Language Learning (Ecml, Graz))
2002978-92-871-4385-3Andy Feist · Council of Europe. Cultural Policies Research and Development UnitCultural Employment in Europe (Policy Note)
2000978-92-871-4386-0Council of EuropeInternational Conference of the Council of Europe on Ethical Issues Arising from the Application of Biotechnologies: Proceedings, Oviedo, May 1999 (International Law)
2001978-92-871-4387-7Coe La Statut Juridique Des Person
2000978-92-871-4388-4Steve Peers · Council of Europe · etc.The Legal Status of Persons Admitted for Family Reunion: A Comparative Study of Law and Practice in Some European States (Community Relations)
2001978-92-871-4390-7Council of EuropeInternational Commission of Jurists Against Portugal: Complaint No.1/1998: Documents (Human Rights: Social Charter Monographs)
2000978-92-871-4394-5   ''European Historic Towns and Their Associations: Proceedings, Valetta, October 1998 (Studies and Texts)
2001978-92-871-4398-3Coe La Pop Et Le Marchetravail
2000978-92-871-4399-0Council of EuropeEurope's Population and Labour Market Beyond 2000: Volume 2--Country Case Studies (Population Studies)
2001978-92-871-4400-3Conseil de l'EuropeACTIVITES DU CONSEIL DE L'EUROPE: RAPPORT 1999
  ''978-92-871-4402-7Activities of the Council of Europe - 1999 report
2000978-92-871-4404-1Council of EuropeThe Pharmacist at the Crossroads of New Health Risks--An Indispensable Partner for Their Management!: Proceedings, Strasbourg, October 1999 (Health Protection of the Consumer)
2000978-92-871-4406-5Council of EuropeVocational Rehabilitation for Drug Users in Europe (Drugs and Addiction)
978-92-871-4408-9Coe Offic Gazcouncil Europe Com
2000978-92-871-4409-6Conseil de l'EuropeL'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes dans la Charte sociale européenne (Cahiers Charte Soc.)
2001978-92-871-4410-2Council of EuropeEquality Between Women and Men in the European Social Charter: Study Compiled on the Basis of the Case Law of the European Committee of Social Rights (Human Rights: Social Charter Monographs)
2000978-92-871-4411-9Marianne Nikolov · Helena Curtain · European Centre for Modern LanguagesAn Early Start: Young Learners and Modern Languages in Europe and Beyond (Language Learning (Ecml, Graz))
  ''978-92-871-4413-3Séminaire sur le projet de convention-cadre européenne des régions de montagne. Actes, Saint-Vincent (Italie), 28 avril 2000 (Etudes et Travaux)
  ''978-92-871-4414-0Council of EuropeSeminar on the Draft European Outline Convention on Mountain Regions: Proceedings, Saint Vincent, April 2000 (Studies and Texts)
2001978-92-871-4417-1Coe Parl Assembly 2000 Sess Pt 3
2000978-92-871-4419-5Michael Byram · Tost Planet · CollectifIdentité sociale et dimension européenne: la compétence interculturelle par l'apprentissage des langues vivantes
  ''978-92-871-4420-1European Centre for Modern LanguagesSocial Identity and the European Dimension: Intercultural Competence Through Foreign Language Learning (Language Learning (Ecml, Graz))
  ''978-92-871-4421-8Législation contre la discrimination à l'égard des personnes handicapées
2001978-92-871-4422-5Council of EuropeLegislation to Counter Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities
2000978-92-871-4423-2Miguel Delibes · Pablo Ferreras · etc.Action Plan for the Conservation of the Iberian Lynx in Europe (Lynx Pardinus) (Nature and Environment)
2000978-92-871-4424-9Council of EuropeAction Plan for the Conservation of the Eurasian Lynx in Europe (Lynx Lynx) (Nature and Environment)
  ''978-92-871-4425-6Luigi Boitani · Council of EuropeAction Plan for the Conservation of Wolves in Europe (Canis Lupus) (Nature and Environment)
  ''978-92-871-4426-3etc. Council of EuropeAction Plan for the Conservation of the Brown Bear in Europe (Ursus Arctos) (Nature and Environment)
  ''978-92-871-4427-0Council of EuropeAction Plan for the Conservation of Wolverines in Europe (Gulo Gulo) (Nature and Environment)
2001978-92-871-4430-0Andy Furlong · Irena GuidikovaTransitions of Youth Citizenship in Europe: Culture, Subculture and Citizenship (Human Rights Education/Intercultural Education)
978-92-871-4433-1Coe Offic Gaz Parl Assemb Part
978-92-871-4435-5Ce Offic Gazcouncil Europe Comm
2000978-92-871-4437-9Council of EuropeThe Pharmacist at the Crossroads of New Health Risks--An Indispensable Partner for Their Management: Overview/Seminar, Strasbourg, October 1999 (Health Protection of the Consumer)
2002978-92-871-4440-9Coe Le Droit Dasileconvention
2001978-92-871-4441-6Council of EuropeAsylum and the European Convention on Human Rights (Human Rights Files)
978-92-871-4442-3Coe Education Social Cohesion
2000978-92-871-4443-0Education and Social Cohesion
2001978-92-871-4444-7Council of EuropeEducation and social cohesion
2000978-92-871-4450-8Council of EuropeCosmetic products Borderline situations
978-92-871-4451-5Concepts de la citoyenneté democratique
2001978-92-871-4452-2Council of EuropeThe Role of Public Prosecution in the Criminal Justice System Recommendation No. R (2000) 19 and Explanatory Memorandum (Legal Issues)
2000978-92-871-4453-9Council of Europe · Committee of Expert s on Flavouring SubstancesChemically-defined flavouring substances
2001978-92-871-4455-3Council of Europe Parliamentary AssemblyDocuments: Documents 8752, 8760, 8784, 8789-8848 Pt.4: Working Papers - 2000 Ordinary Session (Documents Working Papers)
2000978-92-871-4457-7Effects on the Financial Autonomy of Local and Regional Authorities Resulting from the Limits Set at European Level on National Debt (Local and Regional Authorities in Europe)
2001978-92-871-4459-1Uwe Kemmesies Council of Europe3rd Multi-City Study: Drug Use Trends in European Cities in the 1990s (Drugs and Addiction)
  ''978-92-871-4461-42nd Colloquy on the European Convention on Human Rights and the protection of refugees, asylum-seekers and displaced persons
  ''978-92-871-4464-5Recent demographic development in Europe - 2000
978-92-871-4465-2Enseigner l'histoire de l'Europe du 20e siècle
2001978-92-871-4466-9Robert Stradling · Council for Cultural CooperationTeaching 20th Century European History (History Teaching)
2000978-92-871-4468-3Competences and Practices in European Local and Regional Cultural Policy (Studies and Texts)
2001978-92-871-4469-0La société de l'information locale et régionale. Problèmes de développement en Europe centrale et orientale, Actes, Miercurea-Ciuc (Roumanie), 8-9 octobre 1998 (Etudes & Travaux)
2000978-92-871-4470-6Council of EuropeLocal and Regional Information Society: Proceedings, Miercurea Ciuc, October 1998 (Studies and Texts)
  ''978-92-871-4472-0   ''What Public Prosecution in Europe in the 21st Century: Proceedings, May 2000 (International Law)
2000978-92-871-4476-8Anthony EllulTourism and the Environment in European Countries (Nature and Environment)
  ''978-92-871-4482-9Council of EuropeKeys to Youth Participation in Eastern Europe (Other Publications)
978-92-871-4484-3Coe Offic Gazcouncil Europe Com
2001978-92-871-4488-1Coe Parl Assembly 2000 Sess Pt 4
  ''978-92-871-4490-4Council of EuropeConditions of Employment in the European Social Charter
  ''978-92-871-4492-8Social protection in the European Social Charter
  ''978-92-871-4495-9IRISFocus. Le droit d'auteur à l'ère du numérique
1900978-92-871-4496-6Focus: copyring law in the digital age num, monografico: iris (european audiovisual observatoty)
2001978-92-871-4499-7Council of EuropeEuropean Landscape: Florence, 20 October 2000 (European Treaty S)
  ''978-92-871-4501-7Council of EuropeFreedom of Exercise of the Pro (Legal Issues)
  ''978-92-871-4502-4GROSSESSE ET TOXICOMANIES - ETAT DES LIEUX EN L'AN 2000 (Drogues & Toxicoman.)
  ''978-92-871-4503-1Pregnancy and drug misuse - Update 2000
2001978-92-871-4507-9Council for Cultural CooperationEducation for Democratic Citiz (Education for Democratic Citizenship)
978-92-871-4510-9responsabilite principe aux pratiques
2001978-92-871-4511-6Council for Cultural CooperationResponsibility--From Principle (Education for Democratic Citizenship)
978-92-871-4512-3L'emergence des droits de l'homme en europe. anthologie de textes
2001978-92-871-4514-7Council for Cultural CooperationEmergence of Human Rights in E (Human Rights Education/Intercultural Education)
  ''978-92-871-4516-1Police powers and accountability in a democratic society (Criminology Research No. 33)
  ''978-92-871-4518-5Council of EuropeCongress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe: Official Report of Debates 7th Session, 23-25 May 2000
  ''978-92-871-4519-2   ''Protocol No.12 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: Strasbourg, 4 November 2000 (European Treaty S)
  ''978-92-871-4521-5Richard MuscatDrug use in Prison
  ''978-92-871-4523-9Co-Operation Group To Combat Drug AbuseDevelopment and testing of an exit from treatment form for clients in drug abuse treatment
  ''978-92-871-4525-3Council of EuropeCouncil of Europe & Cultural H (Cultural Heritage)
  ''978-92-871-4526-0Le rôle des collectivités locales dans le domaine des services sociaux locaux: Conférence des ministres européens responsables des collectivités ... 6-7 avril 2000 (Communes & Regions)
2001978-92-871-4528-4Council of EuropeRole of Local Authorities in T (Local and Regional Authorities in Europe)
  ''978-92-871-4531-4Coe Europe on Screencinema Teach
2000978-92-871-4533-8Council of EuropeWhat Participation by Foreign (Studies and Texts)
2001978-92-871-4534-5   ''Youth Research in Europe--The (Other Publications)
978-92-871-4536-9enseigner l'holocauste au XXI siècle
2001978-92-871-4537-6Jean-Michel Lecomte · Council for Cultural CooperationTeaching Abt the Holocaust in (History Teaching)
2000978-92-871-4538-3Congress Of Local and Regional AuthoritiConference on Local & Regional (Studies and Texts)
2001978-92-871-4540-6Coe Offic Gaz Parl Assemb Part