Complete Bulgarian-English dictionary (including a lexicon of geographical, historical, proper, etc., names, a list of the English irregular verbs, weights and measures, etc.)


by Constantine Stephanove


ISBN: 978-1-294-82779-5

ISBN-10: 1-294-82779-0

Nabu Press · 2014

See also:
2018PaperbackComplete Bulgarian-English Dictionary (Including a Lexicon of Geographical, Historical, Proper, Etc., Names, a List of the English Irregular Verbs, Weights and Measures, Etc.)
2018HardcoverComplete Bulgarian-English Dictionary (Including a Lexicon of Geographical, Historical, Proper, Etc., Names, a List of the English Irregular Verbs, Weights and Measures, Etc.)
2017PaperbackComplete Bulgarian-English Dictionary (including a Lexicon of Geographical, Historical, Proper, etc., Names, a List of the English Irregular Verbs, Weights and Measures, etc.)