Vimala Thakar

V. T.

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L'énergie du silence 978-2-86316-175-32010
Lo yoga oltre la meditazione. Sugli yoga sutra 978-88-340-1350-22000
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Mind Our Greatest Gift
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Passion for Life 978-90-72996-01-51989
Silence 978-90-72996-22-01989
The Eloquence of Living: Meeting Life With Freshness, Fearlessness, and Compassion
Totality in Essence 978-81-208-0048-92002
Vivere. Desiderio di libertà. La meditazione 978-88-340-1012-91991
Why Meditation?: Five Talks Delivered at the Blaisdell Institute, Claremont University, California 1974 978-81-208-0047-21986

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Vimalar Thakar