Tuula Rantanen

T. R.

year of publica-
other author(s)
The A.E. Nordenskiold Collection in the Helsinki UniVolume 1: List of Atlases A-J978-91-22-00275-8
1979Ann-Mari Mickwitz · Leena Miekkavaara
The A.E. Nordenskiold Collection in the Helsinki UniVolume 2: List of Atlases K-Z978-91-22-00283-3
1981Ann-Mari Mickwitz · Leena Miekkavaara
The A.E. Nordenskiold Collection in the Helsinki UniVolume 3: Books Containing Maps and Loose Maps978-91-22-00285-7
1984Ann-Mari Mickwitz · Leena Miekkavaara

Tuula Rotko