R. N. Bryan

R. B · R.N. · R. Nick Bryan · Robert (NA) Bryan Robert Bryan

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The Electronic Clinical Brain Atlas, 1 CD-ROM Multiplayer Navigation of the Human Brain. Für Windows 3.1/95 und MacOS 7.0. Based on the Talairach, ... Multi-Planar Navigation of the Human Brain978-3-13-107661-8
2004Wieslaw L. Nowinski · Raghu Raghavan
The Electronic Clinical Brain Atlas, 1 CD-ROM Multiplayer Navigation of the Human Brain. Für Windows 3.1/95 und MacOS 7.0. Based on the Talairach, Tournoux and Schaltenbrand brain atlases978-3-13-107662-5
2004Wieslaw L. Nowinski · Raghu Raghavan

R. N. Bush