Philip J. Judd

J J · P.J. · Philip J. · Philip Judd

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Creating a Winning E-BusinessPaperback978-0-619-03386-62001H. Albert Napier · Ollie N. Rivers · Stuart Wagner
Discovering the Internet: Brief Concepts and TechniquesTaschenbuch978-1-4390-8102-02010Gary B. Shelly · H. Albert Napier · Ollie Rivers
Discovering the Internet: Brief Concepts and TechniquesPaperback978-0-7895-6758-12003Gary B. Shelly · Thomas J. Cashman · H. Albert Napier · Emily Ketcham
Discovering the Internet: Brief Concepts and Techniques, Second Edition   "978-1-4188-5989-32007Gary B. Shelly · Thomas J. Cashman · H. Albert Napier
Discovering the Internet: Complete Concepts and Techniques   "978-1-4188-5990-92007Gary B. Shelly · Thomas J. Cashman · H. Albert Napier
E-Business Technologies   "978-0-619-06319-12002H. Albert Napier · Ollie N. Rivers · Andrew Adams
Mastering and Using Access 2000 Comprehensive Course   "978-0-538-42611-41999H. Albert Napier
Mastering and Using Lotus 1-2-3: Release 3   "978-0-538-91178-81990   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Access 2000: Comprehensive Course   "978-0-538-42610-71999   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Excel 2000 Advanced Course   "978-0-538-42807-11999   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Excel 2000 Beginning Course   "978-0-538-42805-71999   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Excel 2000: Comprehensive Course   "978-0-538-42613-81999   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Excel 2000 Intermediate Course   "978-0-538-42806-41999   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft FrontPage 2000   "978-0-538-43152-12000   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Office 2000CD-ROM978-0-538-96557-62000   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Office 2000 Comprehensive CourseSpiral-bound978-0-538-42771-51999   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Office 2000: Comprehensive Course, Enhanced EditionPaperback978-0-619-05804-32001   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Office 2000 Integrated Projects   "978-0-538-69148-21999   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course   "978-0-619-05805-02001H. Albert Napier · Bruce McLaren · Ben Rand · Linda Sourek
Mastering and Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2000: Comprehensive Course   "978-0-538-42616-91999H. Albert Napier
Mastering and Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2002: Comprehensive Course   "978-0-619-05826-52001H. Albert Napier · Linda Sourek · Susan Lehner
Mastering and Using Microsoft Word 2000 Advanced Course   "978-0-538-42814-91999H. Albert Napier
Mastering and Using Microsoft Word 2000 Beginning Course   "978-0-538-42812-51999   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Word 2000: Comprehensive Course   "978-0-538-42608-41999   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Word 2000 Comprehensive CourseSpiral-bound978-0-538-42772-21999   "
Mastering and Using Microsoft Word 2000 Intermediate CoursePaperback978-0-538-42813-21999   "
Mastering Lotus 1-2-3   "978-0-538-91021-71988   "
Microsoft Excel 2000 Comprehensive Course: Mastering and Using   "978-0-538-42615-21999   "
Microsoft Office 2000   "978-0-538-42621-31999   "
Microsoft Office 2000 Comprehensive Course: Mastering and Using   "978-0-538-42605-31999   "
Microsoft Powerpoint 2000 Comprehensive Course: Mastering and Using   "978-0-538-42617-61999H. Albert Napier · Susan Lehner · Linda Sourek

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Philip J.K. McGowan