Lilya Kaganovsky

Indiana University Press · University of Pittsburgh Press

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
How the Soviet Man Was Unmade: Cultural Fantasy and Male Subjectivity under StalinHardcover978-0-8229-4321-12008
How the Soviet Man Was Unmade: Cultural Fantasy and Male Subjectivity under StalinPaperback978-0-8229-5993-92008
Sound, Speech, Music in Soviet and Post-Soviet CinemaHardcover978-0-253-01095-72014Masha Salazkina
Sound, Speech, Music in Soviet and Post-Soviet CinemaPaperback978-0-253-01104-62014   "
The Voice of Technology: Soviet Cinema's Transition to Sound, 1928-1935Hardcover978-0-253-03264-52018
The Voice of Technology: Soviet Cinema's Transition to Sound, 1928-1935Paperback978-0-253-03265-22018
The Voice of Technology: Soviet Cinema's Transition to Sound, 1928-1935   "978-0-253-03504-22018


Lilyan Kesteloot