K.W. Roggenkamp

andere Autoren
Integral Representations: Topics in Integral Representation Theory. Integral Representations and Presentations of Finite Groups by Roggenkamp, K. W.Paperback978-3-662-17480-7
2014I. Reiner
Integral Representations: Topics in Integral Representation Theory. Integral Representations and Presentations of Finite Groups by Roggenkamp, K. W.Taschenbuch978-3-540-09546-0
2009  "
Orders and their Applications: Oberwolfach, West Germany 1984: Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, West Germany, June 3-9, 1984  "978-3-540-15674-1
2008  "

K. R. · K. W. · Klaus W. Roggenkamp · Klaus W. Roggenkamp;Martin J. Taylor · Klaus W. Roggenkamp;Mirela Stefanescu · Klaus W. Roggenkamp;Verena Huber-Dyson · W R.

K. W. Rothe