Jorge Oliveira

Jörg Olbrich · Jorge C. Oliveira · Jorge Magalhães Oliveira · Manuel Jorge de Oliveira

Record · Springer

andere Autoren
Curral da Morte: O Impeachment de Sangue, Poder e Política no NordestePaperback978-85-01-08618-1
One Country, Two Systems, Three Legal Orders - Perspectives of Evolution: Essays on Macau's Autonomy after the Resumption of Sovereignty by ChinaTaschenbuch978-3-662-50198-6
2016Paulo Cardinal
One Country, Two Systems, Three Legal Orders - Perspectives of Evolution: Essays on Macau's Autonomy after the Resumption of Sovereignty by ChinaGebunden978-3-540-68571-5
2009  "


Jorge Olmos