Jan Kolacek

J.K · J. Kolácek

Springer · World Scientific Publishing Company

andere Autoren
Bernoulli Potential in Superconductors: How the Electrostatic Field Helps to Understand SuperconductivityTaschenbuch978-3-642-09253-4
2010Pavel Lipavsky · Klaus Morawetz · Ernst Helmut Brandt · Tzong-Jer Yang
Bernoulli Potential in Superconductors: How the Electrostatic Field Helps to Understand SuperconductivityGebunden978-3-540-73455-0
2007Pavel Lipavsky · Jan Kolácek · Klaus Morawetz · Ernst Helmut Brandt · Tzong-Jer Yang
Kernel Smoothing in MATLAB: Theory and Practice of Kernel SmoothingHardcover978-981-4405-48-5
2012Ivanka Horova · Jiri Zelinka


Jan Kolaczkiewicz