Claudio Sillero-Zubiri


titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Biology and Conservation of Wild Carnivores: The Canids and the Felids Two-Volume SetPaperback978-0-19-959283-82010David Macdonald · Andrew Loveridge
Canids: Foxes, Wolves, Jackals And Dogs: Status Survey And Conservation Action PlanBroché978-2-8317-0786-02005Michael Hoffmann · David W Macdonald
Monitoring Ethiopian Wolf Populations: a Field Manual978-0-9529371-7-32002Scott Newey
The Biology and Conservation of Wild CanidsHardcover978-0-19-851555-52004David W. Macdonald
The Biology and Conservation of Wild CanidsPaperback978-0-19-851556-22004   "
The Ethiopian Wolf: Status Survey and Conservation Action PlanBroché978-2-8317-0407-41997David MacDonald
The Wolf WatchersHardcover978-1-898784-71-51997Alison Hood

Oxford University Press · Templar Publishing · Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature et de ses Ressources,Switzerland · University of Oxford, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit


Claudio Silvestrin