Amir Mohammad Adibi

A.A. · A.M. · M.A.

titlemedia typeISBN-13
year of publica-
other author(s)
Building Brand Identity in the Age of Social Media: Emerging Research and OpportunitiesHardcover978-1-5225-5143-0
2018Amir Ekhlassi · Mahdi Nikejhad Moghadam
Building Brand Identity in the Age of Social Media: Emerging Research and OpportunitiesDigital978-1-5225-5145-4
2018Amir Ekhlassi · Mahdi Niknejhad Moghadam
Building Brand Identity in the Age of Social Media: Emerging Research and OpportunitiesGebunden978-1-5225-5335-9
2018Amir Ekhlassi · Mahdi Niknejhad Moghadam

Amir Mokhtari