Natl Communication Assn

Other ISBN ranges for Natl Communication Assn: Natl Communication Assn (978-99937-38-...) · Natl Communication Assn (978-99938-831-...)

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1986978-99976-1-002-7McMillan Directory of Leading Private Companies
1979978-99976-1-020-1Climatic Atlas of North and Central America: Maps of Mean Temperature and Precipitation
1987978-99976-1-025-6Jeanne HumphreysJai Alai
1982978-99976-1-027-0State Practices in Speaking and Listening Assessment No. 423
1986978-99976-1-030-0A. De NicolasIgnatius De Loyola Powers of Imagining a Philosophical Hermeneutic
1978978-99976-1-041-6Cassandra L. Book · Shirley Van Hoeven · Marcia Kreger · Jo. SpragueContract Grading in Speech Communication Courses No. 332
2002978-99976-1-926-6Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management, Vol. 1
1987978-99976-1-973-0Welles J. WilderThe Adam Theory of Markets or What Matters Is Profit