Field Museum of Natural

Other ISBN range for Field Museum of Natural: Field Museum of Natural (978-99937-769-...)

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1982978-99938-759-0-1James W. VanstoneSpeck Collection of Montagnais Material Culture from the Lower St. Lawrence Drainage, Quebec
1983978-99938-759-1-8Transportation Data Coordinating CommitteeWorld of Electronic Data Interchange: Proceedings of the 14th National Forum, Held 1982
1982978-99938-759-5-6North-South: A Business Viewpoint
  ''978-99938-759-6-3Jack FoodenNotes on Tyrant Flycatchers (Aves: Tyrannidae)
  ''978-99938-759-8-7Jack FoodenFishes of the Families Evermannellidae and Scopelarchidae: Systematics, Morphology, Interrelationships and Zoogeography