Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Ghana Office

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1995978-9988-572-02-0Kwadwo Afari-GyanThe making of the Fourth Republican Constitution of Ghana
1996978-9988-572-09-9Funding political parties in West Africa: Proceedings of a conferencee
  ''978-9988-572-18-1Peace-keeping and peace-making: Changes in international politics and implications for peace in Africa
  ''978-9988-572-19-8Aloysius DenkabeWhat is fit to print?: Language of the press in Ghana
  ''978-9988-572-29-7C. K BrownWomen in local government in Ghana: A case study of Central region
  ''978-9988-572-37-2S. K. B AsanteThe strategy of regional integration in Africa
1996978-9988-572-39-6Government and NGO relations in Ghana: Proceedings of a conference organised by the Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare (Government of Ghana) in ... Foundation 10-11 October, 1996
  ''978-9988-572-40-2Civil society in Ghana: Proceedings of a conference organised by the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Ghana Office
1998978-9988-572-51-8Niyi AlabiParliamentary democracy in West Africa
  ''978-9988-572-56-3Kwadwo Afari-GyanThe Ghanaian constitution: An introduction
1999978-9988-572-61-7Joseph R. A AyeeDecentralization and conflict: The case of district chief executives and members of parliament in Ghana
2000978-9988-572-68-6Fitnat AdjeteyFIDA handbook on domestic violence in Ghana
2001978-9988-572-72-3Elections 2000