Freedom Publications

Other ISBN ranges for Freedom Publications: Freedom Publications (978-0-9785433-...) · Freedom Publications (978-9988-7716-...)

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1991978-9964-91-060-0Kwame Akon NinsinThe informal sector in Ghana's political economy
2002978-9964-91-557-5A. Adu Boahen · Albert Adu BoahenThe Ghanaian Sphinx. Reflections on the Contemporary History of Ghana (Junior Readers Series, 30, 30)
1993978-9964-91-593-3Siapha · Denkabe Kamara AloysiusHandbook on Participation Approach to Training.: Project Planning, Management and Animation (v. 1)
  ''978-9964-91-594-0Siapha KamaraA handbook on participatory approach to training (v. 2)
1996978-9964-91-595-7Kwame A. NinsinGhana's political transition, 1990-1993: Selected documents
978-9964-91-731-9Flamingo The Camp of No Return A Missionary's Account of God's Liberation During the Liberia War
1994978-9964-91-828-6A. A AgordohStudies in African Music, Revised Edition