Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1991978-963-7388-19-4Ki fizet a végén?: Vita a magyar gazdaság pénzügyi helyzetérol
1994978-963-7388-25-5David M. G NewberyTransformation in mature versus emerging economies: Why has Hungary been less successful than China? (KTI/IE papers)
  ''978-963-7388-26-2Andras NagyImport liberalization in Hungary (KTI/IE papers)
1995978-963-7388-27-9István BaranyaiIdőskorúak, nyugdíjasok, 1960-1990 (Working papers / Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences) (Hungarian Edition)
1994978-963-7388-28-6András NagyA behozatal liberalizálása Magyarországon (KTI/IE tanulmányok) (Hungarian Edition)
1995978-963-7388-29-3János KöllöWages before and after unemployment in Hungary (KTI/EI papers)
1999978-963-7388-79-8John MicklewrightThe informational value of job search data and the dynamics of search behavior: Evidence from Hungary (Budapest working papers on the labour market)