ELTE Uniersity Press/ELTE Eötvös Kiadó Kft.

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2011978-963-312-071-2Gábor HamzaIura antiqua ac iura moderna methodo comparativa investigata - Opera selecta - Tomus secundus
2012978-963-312-074-3Tamas DezsoTamas Dezso: The Assyrian Army I/1-2. The Structure of the Neo-Assyrian Army. 1. Infantry 2. Cavalry and Chariotry
  ''978-963-312-075-0Tamas DezsoThe Assyrian Army / The Structure of the Neo-Assyrian Army as reconstructed from Assyrian Palace Reliefs and Cuneiform Sources / 1. Infantry
  ''978-963-312-076-7   ''Tamas Dezso: The Assyrian Army I/2. The Structure of the Neo-Assyrian Army. Cavalry and Chariotry
  ''978-963-312-085-9Balazs Jozsef GellerLegality on Trial
  ''978-963-312-144-3Tamas SzabadosThe Transfer of the Company Seat within the European Union
2013978-963-312-158-0Gábor HamzaIura antiqua ac iura moderna methodo comparativa investigata - Opera selecta - Tomus tertius
2014978-963-312-211-2Gabor HamzaIura antiqua ac iura moderna methodo comparativa investigata - Opera selecta - Tomus Quartus