
year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1974978-90-70110-05-5diana gladys azuGa Family and Social Change
1973978-90-70110-06-2J. F. Biesheuvel, Simon. HollemanWhite Mineworkers in Northern Rhodesia, 1959-60
1978978-90-70110-20-8W. M. J. Van Binsbergen ยท H. A. MeilinkMigration and the Transformation of Modern African Society (African Perspectives)
1985978-90-70110-45-1Emile Adriaan Benvenuto van Rouveroy van NieuwaalVolkshoofden en jonge staten in Afrika: Le chef coutumier est-il mort?: rede (Dutch Edition)