year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1991 | 978-90-5454-001-4 | M. van Olffen | Vennootschaps- en rechtspersonenrecht en invoering van de boeken 3, 5 en 6 Nieuw BW (Dutch Edition) |
1998 | 978-90-5454-012-0 | M. van Olffen | Splitsing van ondernemingen (Dutch Edition) |
2000 | 978-90-5454-051-9 | Non-discrimination and diversity: Proceedings of the conference non-discrimination and diversity, held on October 20, 1999, organised by the Centre of ... of Law, University of Groningen (CRBS-reeks) |
2001 | 978-90-5454-068-7 | I. Giesen | Bewijs En Aansprakelijkheid: Een Rechtsvergelijkend Onderzoek Naar de Bewijslast, de Bewijsvoeringslast, Het Bewijsrisico En de Bewijsrisico-Omkeri |
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2002 | 978-90-5454-176-9 | Koersen Door Het Effectenrecht: Beschouwingen Omtrent Nederlands Effectenrecht |
'' | 978-90-5454-190-5 | Paul Nieuwbeerta | Crime Victimization in Comparative Perspective: Results from the International Crime Victims Survey, 1989-2000 |
2003 | 978-90-5454-296-4 | R. J. N Schlössels | Het besluitbegrip en de draad van Ariadne: enige beschouwingen over de rechtsmacht van de bestuursrechter |
'' | 978-90-5454-303-9 | P.J.P. Tak | The Dutch Criminal Justice System: Organization and Operation (Second Revised Edition) (Onderzoek En Beleid / Reserach In Policy) |
'' | 978-90-5454-408-1 | WODC | European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics - 2003: (second edition) (Onderzoek En Beleid) |
'' | 978-90-5454-424-1 | Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops | International and Internationalized Criminal Courts: The New Face of International Peace and Security? |
2003 | 978-90-5454-425-8 | H.G. Van De Bunt · C.R.A. Van Der Schoot | Prevention of Organised Crime: A Situational Approach (Onderzoek En Beleid) |
2004 | 978-90-5454-429-6 | W.J. Zwalve | Beknopte geschiedenis van het Romeinse recht |
'' | 978-90-5454-432-6 | Sanne Taekema | Understanding Dutch Law (Boom Juridische Studieboeken) |
'' | 978-90-5454-443-2 | Pieter Van Baal | Computer Simulations of Criminal Deterrence: From Public Policy to Local Interaction to Individual Behaviour |
'' | 978-90-5454-446-3 | J. Fleuren | IEDER VERBINDENDE BEPALINGEN VAN BEDRAGE |
2005 | 978-90-5454-499-9 | Helen Gubby | English Legal Terminology: Legal Concepts In Language |
2004 | 978-90-5454-518-7 | Tim Boekhout Van Solinge | Dealing with Drugs in Europe: "An Investigation of European Drug Control Experiences: France, the Netherlands, Sweden" |
1900 | 978-90-5454-611-5 | F. Amtenbrink | EUROPA EENHEID IN VERSCHEIDENHEID |
2005 | 978-90-5454-614-6 | S.L.J. Janssen · R. Malewicz | Boom Basics Strafrecht |
2005 | 978-90-5454-615-3 | K.D. Linnemann · M.Y. Bruinsma | Geweld binnen en buiten: aard, omvang en daders van huiselijk en publiek geweld in Nederland (Onderzoek en beleid, Band 231) |
'' | 978-90-5454-625-2 | Giliam De Valk | Dutch Intelligence: Towards a Qualitative Framework for Analysis |
| 978-90-5454-626-9 | European Company the Corporate Gov a |
2006 | 978-90-5454-646-7 | Helen Gubby | Practical Legal English: Legal Terminology |
'' | 978-90-5454-660-3 | Gabry Vanderveen | Interpreting Fear, Crime, Risk And Unsafety |
'' | 978-90-5454-666-5 | C.R.A. Van Der Schoot | Organised Crime Prevention in the Netherlands: Exposing the Effectiveness of Preventive Measures |
'' | 978-90-5454-691-7 | M.J.R. Soudjin | Chinese Human Smuggling in Transit |
2006 | 978-90-5454-731-0 | Arjan Blokland · Paul Niewbeerta | Developmental and Life Course Studies in Delinquency and Crime: A Review of Contemporary Dutch Research |
'' | 978-90-5454-733-4 | WODC | European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics - 2006: (third edition) (Onderzoek En Beleid) |
'' | 978-90-5454-737-2 | Wangedrag van werknemers: De bevoegdheid van werkgevers tot opsporing en sanctionering |
'' | 978-90-5454-740-2 | Leo Hubert · Andre Van Montfort · Alan Doig | Is Government Setting a Good Example?: Rule Breaking by Government in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom |
'' | 978-90-5454-757-0 | L.M. Van der Knaap · L. T. J. Nijssen · S. Bogaerts | Violence Defied?: A Review of Prevention of Violence in the Public and Semi-public Domain (Onderzoek En Beleid) |
2006 | 978-90-5454-767-9 | Henk Elffers · Peter Verboon · Wim Huisman | Managing and Maintaining Compliance |
2007 | 978-90-5454-809-6 | A Just Cause for Dismissal in the United States and the Netherlands: A Study on the Extent of Protection Against Arbitrary Dismissal for Private-sector Employees Under American and Dutch Law in Light of Article 4 of ILO Convention 158 (Bakelsreeks) |
2008 | 978-90-5454-826-3 | Wouter B. Teeuw · Anton H. Vedder | Security Applications for Converging Technologies: Impact on the Constitutional State and the Legal Order (Onderzoek Enbeleid) |
'' | 978-90-5454-854-6 | Leo Huberts · Frank Anechiarico · Frederique Six | Local Integrity Systems: World Cities Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity |
'' | 978-90-5454-863-8 | Marleen Easton · Lodewijk Gunther Moor · Bob Hoogenboom · Paul Ponsaers · Bas van Stokkom | Reflections on Reassurance Policing in the Low Countries (The green grass / Het groene gras) |
2007 | 978-90-5454-873-7 | Hans F.M. Crombag · Marjolein den Hartog | Kindermisbruik: het probleem van escalerende beschuldigingen (Gerede Twijfel) |
'' | 978-90-5454-904-8 | Miranda Boone · Martin Moerings | Dutch Prisons |
'' | 978-90-5454-905-5 | Emile Kolthoff | Ethics and New Public Management: Empirical Research into the Effects of Businesslike Government on Ethics and Integrity |
2007 | 978-90-5454-931-4 | Helen Gubby | English Legal Terminology: Legal Concepts in Language (Second Edition) (Boom Juridische Studieboeken) |
'' | 978-90-5454-932-1 | A.L. Daalder | Prostitution in the Netherlands since the Lifting of the Brothel Ban |
'' | 978-90-5454-953-6 | Ronald van Steden | Privatizing Policing: Describing and Explaining the Growth of Private Security |
'' | 978-90-5454-965-9 | Jan van Dijk · John van Kesteren · Paul Smit | Criminal Victimisation in International Perspective: Key Findings from the 2004-2005 ICVS and EU ICS (Onderzoek En Beleid) |
2008 | 978-90-5454-980-2 | M.J.J. Kunst · S. Schweizer · S. Bogaerts · L.M. Van der Knaap | Aggression and Violence, Posttraumatic Stress, and Absenteeism among Employees in Penitentiaries (Onderzoek En Beleid) |
'' | 978-90-5454-992-5 | Georg van Daal | Executoriaal en conservatoir verhaalsbeslag op aandelen in kapitaalvennootschappen en op certificaten daarvan |