Nordisc Music & Text

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2002978-87-88619-09-6Tom Carter-SmithSex: an Apology for Love: Health, Practical Guide 1
2000978-87-88619-31-7H.W. GadeStella, Science Fiction Funk Opera in 1 Act
2001978-87-88619-43-0   ''Too Close to be Friends (Songbook)
2002978-87-88619-57-7   ''Caring for a Hyperactive Child: Health, Practical Guide 1
2000978-87-88619-66-9   ''All Aspects of Rock and Jazz: Music Theory Part 1
  ''978-87-88619-68-3Sebastian KalamajskiAll Aspects of Rock and Jazz: The Electric Guitar Part 3
2001978-87-88619-70-6H.W. GadeAll Aspects: The Electrical Bass 2
2000978-87-88619-85-0   ''Swastika (Rock Opera)
2001978-87-88619-92-8H.W. Gade · Heinrich Von MorungenMorungen Lieder (Choir and Orchestra)
  ''978-87-88619-97-3H.W. GadeFrozen Positions, Rock Musical in 4 Acts