Economic Daily Press

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2000978-7-80180-351-1HE SI HUDating Bukebufang indeed 14 kinds of people(Chinese Edition)
1991978-7-80180-544-7AI LI SHENGParty open selection of leading cadres and special examinations competition Breakthrough: Interview (2008 version by the newspaper) (with card) [paperback]
2000978-7-80180-545-4   ''Party and Government Leading Cadres open selection and competition for posts in the examination of special breakthrough: Case Study (2008 Edition) by the newspaper (with card)
2007978-7-80180-620-8TIAN YA LIN XIAO YI NANmodern hotel industry. room management(Chinese Edition)
2008978-7-80180-823-3Customs Import and Export Tariff of People's Republic of ChinaCustoms Import and Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China 2008