year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2015978-5-9221-0056-4L.D. Landau ยท E.M. LifshitsThe Field Theory (Russian Edition)
2004978-5-9221-0544-6Aslanov V.S.Spatial motion of the body during the descent in the atmosphere / Prostranstvennoe dvizhenie tela pri spuske v atmosfere
2005978-5-9221-0620-7Raspredelenie luchistoy energii tochechnogo istochnika. Novaya forma integralnogo uravneniya perenosa izlucheniya
2010978-5-9221-1259-8Lineynye differentsialnye operatory
2013978-5-9221-1433-2Modelirovanie tsirkulyatsii okeana i issledovanie ego reaktsii na korotkoperiodnye i dolgoperiodnye atmosfernye vozdeystviya