Hotsaat Keruv

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2008978-1-933379-09-8Gershom Gerhard ScholemOkabalat Ha-Ari: Osef Maamarim
2010978-1-933379-12-8MosesSefer Ha-Shem: Ha-Meyuhas Le-R. Mosheh de Leon
2011978-1-933379-18-0Daniel AbramsKabbalistic Manuscripts and Textual Theory: Methodologies of Textual Scholarship and Editorial Practice in the Study of Jewish Mysticism (Sources and Studies in the Literature of Jewish Mysticism)
978-1-933379-19-7Jordan S. PenkowerAl Zeman Hiburam Shel Sefer Ha-Zohar Ve-Sefer Ha-Bahir: Toldot Simane Ha-Nikud Veha-Teamim Ha-Mikraiyim KI-Kheli Le-Tearukh Shel Sifre Kabalah = the D
2011978-1-933379-24-1Daniel AbramsTen Psychoanalytic Aphorisms on the Kabbalah: Lecture Delivered at the Ceremony for the Gershom Scholem Prize for Kabbalah Scholarship at the Israel A
2013978-1-933379-25-8Michael SchneiderMareh Kohen =: Appearance of the High Priest: Teofanyah, Apoteozah Ve-Teologyah Binarit Ben Ha-Hagut Ha-Kohanit Bi-Tekufat Ha-Bayit H
2012978-1-933379-26-5Michael SchneiderHa-Masorot Ha-Genuzot Shel Ha-Mistikah Ha-Yehudit: Mehkere Ha-Mistikah Ha-Yehudit Ha-Kedumah Al Pi Eduyot Shel Sefarim Hitsonim, Sifrut Helenistit, Me