China Building Industry Press

Other ISBN ranges for China Building Industry Press: China Building Industry Press (978-7-112-...) · China Building Industry Press (978-7-900189-...)

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2004978-1-5112-1165-9BEI JING SHI CE HUI SHE JI YAN JIU YUANcity-based geographic information system technical specifications CJJ 100-2004 J 298-2004
1991978-1-5112-1433-9UnknownGB 50025-2004 loess Regional Building Code (paperback)
2013978-1-5112-2353-9ZHONG HUA REN MIN GONG HE GUO ZHU FANG HE CHENG XIANG JIAN SHE BUTechnical Code for Improvement of Soil and Foundation of Existing Buildings
  ''978-1-5112-2356-0ZHU FANG HE CHENG XIANG JIAN SHE BU BIAO ZHUN DING E YAN JIU SUOTechnical Guideline for Projects of Municpal Solid Waste Sanitary Ladfills
2012978-1-5112-2359-1ZHONG HUA REN MIN GONG HE GUO ZHU FANG HE CHENG XIANG JIAN SHE BUStandard for Test Methods of Timber Structures
2013978-1-5112-2362-1NAN TONG JIAN ZHU GONG CHENG ZONG CHENG BAO YOU XIAN GONG SITechnical Code for Video Surveillance on Construction Site
  ''978-1-5112-2365-2ZHONG HUA REN MIN GONG HE GUO ZHU FANG HE CHENG XIANG JIAN SHE BUTechnical Code for Floating Slab Track
  ''978-1-5112-2368-3ZHONG GUO JIAN ZHU GONG YE CHU BAN SHEChina National Standard: artificial materials and equipment construction machinery data standards (GBT50851-2013)
  ''978-1-5112-2370-6ZHONG HUA REN MIN GONG HE GUO ZHU FANG HE CHENG XIANG JIAN SHE BU . ZHONG HUA REN MIN GONG HE GUO...Techincal Standard for insitu Inspection of Concrete Structure
2013978-1-5112-2372-0ZHU FANG HE CHENG XIANG JIAN SHE BU . GUO JIA GONG SHANG HANG ZHENG GUAN LI ZONG JUConstruction Supervision Contract (model version)