year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2010 | 978-1-4533-0084-8 | Berrin Erdogan · Talya Bauer | Organizational behavior 1.1 |
'' | 978-1-4533-0085-5 | Berrin Erdogan · Talya Bauer | ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR,VOL.1. |
'' | 978-1-4533-0090-9 | Mason Carpenter · Talya Bauer · Berrin Erdogan | Principles of Management - Version 1.1 |
2011 | 978-1-4533-0092-3 | Elementary Algebra (Custom TextbookX B&W Printing) |
'' | 978-1-4533-0093-0 | John Redden | Elementary Algebra |
'' | 978-1-4533-0132-6 | Vincenzo Wright Robert · Quadrini | Money and Banking |
2010 | 978-1-4533-0222-4 | Rittenberg | Principles of Macroeconomics v1.1 |
2012 | 978-1-4533-0242-2 | Talya bauer, and berrin erdogan mason carpenter | Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior |
2013 | 978-1-4533-0710-6 | Principles of Marketing Version 1.0.1 |
2014 | 978-1-4533-0916-2 | Principles of Microeconomics Version 1.0.2 |
2011 | 978-1-4533-1014-4 | Short Jeremy, Austin Rob, Anderson Rachael Payne Tyge | University Life, A College Survival Story |
| 978-1-4533-1071-7 | WRITING FOR SUCCESS (BLACK+WHI |
2013 | 978-1-4533-1072-4 | Scott McLean | Writing for Success |
2011 | 978-1-4533-1073-1 | Miles McCrimmon | The Flat World Knowledge Handbook for Writers 1 |
2011 | 978-1-4533-1107-3 | Introductory Chemistry (Custom TextbookX B&W Printing) (Introductory Chemistry) |
'' | 978-1-4533-1109-7 | David W Ball · John W Hill · Rhonda J. Scott | The Basics of General,organic,and Biological Chemistry |
'' | 978-1-4533-1157-8 | Raymond D. Frost | Business Information Systems |
'' | 978-1-4533-1158-5 | Jacqueline Pike, Lauren Kenyo, Sarah Pels Raymond D. Frost | Business Information Systems: Design an App for That. |
| 978-1-4533-1195-0 | unknown | Principles of Macroeconomics V1.1 (Custom TextbookX B&W Printing) |
2014 | 978-1-4533-1205-6 | Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen | Principles of Economics V1.1 (Custom TextbookX B&W Printing - 2 Volumes) (V1.1) |
2011 | 978-1-4533-1225-4 | Jason S. Wrench | Stand Up, Speak Out The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking |
'' | 978-1-4533-1227-8 | John Gallaugher | Information Systems Version 1.2 |
2011 | 978-1-4533-1299-5 | Mason Carpenter and Sanjyot P. Dunung | Title: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS V1.0 BL |
'' | 978-1-4533-1358-9 | Steven E. Barkan | Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Brief Edition |
'' | 978-1-4533-1412-8 | Sustainability, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (Custom TextbookX B&W Printing) |
2013 | 978-1-4533-1498-2 | Diana Owen, and Timothy E. Cook David L. Paletz | American Government and Politics in the Information Age |
'' | 978-1-4533-1506-4 | Charles Stranger | Introduction to Psychology |
2010 | 978-1-4533-1781-5 | Berrin Erdogan Talya Bauer | Organizational Behavior |
2014 | 978-1-4533-2064-8 | Barkan | Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Brief Edition, V. 1.1 |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2190-4 | Macroeconomics: Theory Through Applications |
2014 | 978-1-4533-2230-7 | Patricia Eldredge Bruce Averill | General Chemistry: Principles, Patterns, and Applications, Volume 2 |
2012 | 978-1-4533-2288-8 | Charles Stangor | PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (B+W) |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2292-5 | John Gallaugher | Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology |
2013 | 978-1-4533-2300-7 | Daniel M. Warner, George J. Siedel, and Jethro K Lieberman Don Mayer | Business Law and the Legal Environment (Adapted by: Professor Warner) |
'' | 978-1-4533-2302-1 | Berrin Erdogan Talya Bauer | Organizational Behavior |
2013 | 978-1-4533-2310-6 | Dave Ketchen and Jeremy Short | Mastering Strategic Management-W/Access |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2334-2 | Talya Bauer, and Berrin Erdogan Mason Carpenter | "Principles of Management (Version 1.1.1)" |
2013 | 978-1-4533-2336-6 | Royal Berglee | World Regional Geography People, Places and Globalization |
2012 | 978-1-4533-2360-1 | Paul C. Price | Research Methods in Psychology; Core Concepts and Skills |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2390-8 | Rob Stokes · Minds of Quirk | eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing Version 1.0.4 custom edition |
2013 | 978-1-4533-2412-7 | Lisa Storm | Criminal Law (Criminal Law) |
'' | 978-1-4533-2554-4 | JOHN REDDEN | Intermediate Algebra Version 1.0 |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2567-4 | Miles McCrimmon | The Flat World Knowledge Handbook for Writers |
2012 | 978-1-4533-2571-1 | Bruce Beiderwell · Linda Tse · Thomas J. Lochhaas · Nicholas B. deKanter | College Sucess |
'' | 978-1-4533-2575-9 | Elementary Algebra (elementary algebra) |
2013 | 978-1-4533-2609-1 | David J. Trowbridge | A History of the United States, Volume 2 (History |
'' | 978-1-4533-2611-4 | Karen Collins | Exploring Business |
'' | 978-1-4533-2619-0 | Daniel M. Warner, George J. Siedel and Jethro K. Lieberman Don Mayer | The Legal Environment of Business (The legal Environment of Business) |
| 978-1-4533-2639-8 | UNDERSTANDING MEDIA+CULTURE |
2014 | 978-1-4533-2641-1 | Robert E. Wright | Money and Banking Version 2.0 |
2013 | 978-1-4533-2649-7 | LIBBY RITTENBERG & TIMOTHY TREGARTHEN | Principles of Microeconomics Version 2.0 |
2014 | 978-1-4533-2650-3 | Libby Rittenberg · Timothy Tregarthen | Principles of Microeconomics |
2012 | 978-1-4533-2681-7 | Joe Hoyle · C.J. Skender | Financial Accounting; Version 2.0 |
2009 | 978-1-4533-2690-9 | R. Preston McAfee and Tracy R. Lewis | Introduction to Economic Analysis |
2009 | 978-1-4533-2691-6 | Patrick Lee Brockett and Yehuda Kahane Etti Baranoff | Risk Management for Enterprises and Individuals |
2010 | 978-1-4533-2704-3 | Russell Darnall and John M. Preston | Project Management from Simple to Complex |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2721-0 | Steve Barkan | SOCIOLOGY:UNDERSTAND...,COMP.E |
2010 | 978-1-4533-2722-7 | Steve Suranovic | International Economics: Theory and Policy |
'' | 978-1-4533-2723-4 | Kimberly Richmond | The Power of Selling |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2725-8 | Andrea Larson | Sustainability, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship |
2010 | 978-1-4533-2726-5 | Linda F. Tse, Tom Lochhaas and Nicholas B. deKanter Bruce Beiderwell | College Success |
'' | 978-1-4533-2731-9 | Steve Suranovic | International Finance: Theory and Policy |
'' | 978-1-4533-2732-6 | '' | International Trade: Theory and Policy |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2735-7 | James Brusseau | BUSINESS ETHICS WORKSHOP-ACCES |
2010 | 978-1-4533-2736-4 | Charles Stangor | Introduction to Psychology Access Code Card |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2737-1 | John Redden | Elementary Algebra |
'' | 978-1-4533-2738-8 | Anne Goding, Danette Ifert Johnson and Bernardo A. Attias Jason S. Wrench | Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking |
2009 | 978-1-4533-2740-1 | Rachel Siegel and Carol Yacht | Personal Finance |
2010 | 978-1-4533-2742-5 | Scott McLean | Business Communication for Success |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2750-0 | Terence Lau and Lisa Johnson | LEGAL+ETHICAL...OF BUS.,V 1.0-ACCESS |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2751-7 | Randall Fallows | Exploring Perspectives: A Concise Guide to Analysis |
2012 | 978-1-4533-2753-1 | Paul C. Price | Research Methods in Psychology |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2757-9 | Miles McCrimmon | The Flat World Knowledge Handbook for Writers |
2010 | 978-1-4533-2758-6 | Rob Stokes | eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2765-4 | David W. Ball | Introductory Chemistry |
2010 | 978-1-4533-2768-5 | Talya Bauer and Berrin Erdogan | Organizational Behavior |
'' | 978-1-4533-2780-7 | Talya Bauer and Berrin Erdogan Mason Carpenter | Title: PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT:VER.1 |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2788-3 | David W Ball · John W Hill · Rhonda J. Scott | The Basics of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry |
'' | 978-1-4533-2822-4 | Mason Carpenter and Sanjyot P. Dunung | International Business |
'' | 978-1-4533-2836-1 | Russell Cooper and Andrew John | Economics: Theory Through Applications |
'' | 978-1-4533-2842-2 | '' | Macroeconomics: Theory Through Applications |
2012 | 978-1-4533-2852-1 | Exploring Business All Access Pass |
2012 | 978-1-4533-2889-7 | Amy Blackstone | Principles of Sociological Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2895-8 | Diana Owen and Timothy E. Cook David L. Paletz | American Government and Politics in the Information Age |
'' | 978-1-4533-2912-2 | Laura Portolese Dias | Human Resource Management |
'' | 978-1-4533-2914-6 | Caroline Ceniza-Levine and Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio | Six Steps To Job Search Success |
2012 | 978-1-4533-2918-4 | Jack Lule | Understanding Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication |
'' | 978-1-4533-2949-8 | Pike, Kenyo, and Pels Frost | Business Information Systems: Design an App for That |
'' | 978-1-4533-2955-9 | David J. Trowbridge | A History of the United States Vol. 2 |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2963-4 | Charles Stangor | Principles of Social Psychology |
2012 | 978-1-4533-2978-8 | Royal Berglee | World Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization |
2011 | 978-1-4533-2988-7 | Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen | Principles of Macroeconomics |
2011 | 978-1-4533-3023-4 | Jonathan Campbell and Michael Shin | Essentials of Geographic Information Systems |
'' | 978-1-4533-3034-0 | Russell Cooper and Andrew John | Microeconomics: Theory Through Applications |
'' | 978-1-4533-3050-0 | Daniel Warner, George Siedel and Jethro K. Lieberman Don Mayer | Business Law and the Legal Environment |
'' | 978-1-4533-3110-1 | Steve Barkan | SOCIOLOGY,BRIEF V1.1 BLACK+WHI |
'' | 978-1-4533-3111-8 | Scott McLean | Business English for Success |
2011 | 978-1-4533-3122-4 | Bruce Averill and Patricia Eldredge | General Chemistry: Principles, Patterns, and Applications |
2012 | 978-1-4533-3129-3 | Lisa Storm | Criminal Law |
2011 | 978-1-4533-3238-2 | Dave Ketchen and Jeremy Short | Mastering Strategic Management |
2012 | 978-1-4533-3241-2 | Karen Collins | EXPLORING BUSINESS 2.0 |
'' | 978-1-4533-3267-2 | Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen | Principles of Macroeconomics, Version 2.0 |
'' | 978-1-4533-3288-7 | Jr. William Q. Judge | Focusing on Organizational Change |
'' | 978-1-4533-3289-4 | Mai Moua | Leading with Cultural Intelligence |
'' | 978-1-4533-3290-0 | Donald N. Stengel | Principles of Managerial Economics |
2012 | 978-1-4533-3291-7 | Kim Warren | Building Strategy and Performance |
'' | 978-1-4533-4325-8 | Daniel Warner, George Siedel and Jethro K. Lieberman Don Mayer | Legal Aspects of Corporate Management and Finance |
'' | 978-1-4533-4326-5 | '' | Introduction to Contracts, Sales and Product Liability |
'' | 978-1-4533-4327-2 | '' | Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4328-9 | Daniel Warner, George Siedel and Jethro K. Lieberman Don Mayer | Legal Aspects of Marketing and Sales |
'' | 978-1-4533-4329-6 | '' | The Legal Environment of Business |
'' | 978-1-4533-4330-2 | '' | Law of Commercial Transactions |
'' | 978-1-4533-4359-3 | Brad Rawlins and Thomas Martin Shannon A. Bowen | Mastering Public Relations |
'' | 978-1-4533-4361-6 | Nancy E. Landrum and Sandra Edwards | A Primer on Sustainable Business |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4362-3 | Joel E. Urbany and James H. Davis | Growth and Competitive Strategy in 3 Circles |
'' | 978-1-4533-4363-0 | Cornelis A. de Kluyver | Corporate Governance |
'' | 978-1-4533-4373-9 | Jethro K. Lieberman · Don Mayer · Daniel Warner · George Siedel | Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment |
'' | 978-1-4533-4379-1 | Robert E. Wright | Money and Banking |
'' | 978-1-4533-4387-6 | Joe Ben Hoyle and C. J. Skender | Financial Accounting, v. 2.0 |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4416-3 | Daniel Warner, George Siedel and Jethro K. Lieberman Don Mayer | Introduction to the Law of Property, Estate Planning and Insurance |
'' | 978-1-4533-4417-0 | '' | Law for Entrepreneurs |
'' | 978-1-4533-4418-7 | '' | Business Law and the Legal Environment: MAcc Edition |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4419-4 | Daniel Warner, George Siedel and Jethro K. Lieberman Don Mayer | Business Law and the Legal Environment (EMBA Edition) |
2013 | 978-1-4533-4485-9 | Douglas S. Shafer and Zhiyi Zhang | Introductory Statistics |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4487-3 | '' | Introductory Statistics |
2011 | 978-1-4533-4497-2 | PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING (V.2.0 |
2013 | 978-1-4533-4498-9 | Jr. John F. Tanner · Mary Anne Raymond | Principles of Marketing, Version 2.0 |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4499-6 | Jeff Tanner and Mary Anne Raymond | PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING-ACCESS |
2013 | 978-1-4533-4527-6 | Kurt Heisinger and Joe Hoyle | MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING,VERSION 1.0 |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4529-0 | Kurt Heisinger and Joe Ben Hoyle | Managerial Accounting |
2013 | 978-1-4533-4533-7 | Research Methods in Psychology: Core Concepts and Skills Version 1.0.1 |
'' | 978-1-4533-4554-2 | David T. Cadden and Sandra L. Lueder | Small Business Management in the 21st Century |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4556-6 | '' | Small Business Management in the 21st Century |
'' | 978-1-4533-4578-8 | John Gallaugher | information system A managers guide to harnessing technology |
'' | 978-1-4533-4580-1 | '' | Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology |
2013 | 978-1-4533-4675-4 | Matt Magnsson, Michael Merenda Ross Gittell | The Sustainable Business Case Book Version 1.0 |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4677-8 | Matt Magnusson and Michael Merenda Ross Gittell | The Sustainable Business Case Book |
'' | 978-1-4533-4697-6 | Daniel M, Warner, George J. Siedel and Jethro K Lieberman Don Mayer | Business Law and the Legal Environment |
2006 | 978-1-4533-4703-4 | Exploring Business |
2013 | 978-1-4533-4718-8 | Social Problems: Continuity and Change Version1.0 |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4720-1 | Steve Barkan | Social Problems: Continuity and Change |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4736-2 | Rachel Siegel · Carol Yacht | Personal Finance |
'' | 978-1-4533-4738-6 | Rachel Siegel · Carol Yacht | Personal Finance EBook- Never Used Still in Plastic Baker College |
'' | 978-1-4533-4747-8 | Scott McLean and Murray Moman | Business Communication for Success (Canadian Edition) |
'' | 978-1-4533-4748-5 | John Redden | Intermediate Algebra |
'' | 978-1-4533-4797-3 | Introduction to Psychology, Adapted by: University of Cincinnati, Fall 2012, Version 1.0.1 |
2013 | 978-1-4533-4806-2 | Daniel M. Warner, George J. Siedel and Jethro K. Lieberman Don Mayer | Law of Commercial Transactions |
2013 | 978-1-4533-4863-5 | John W Hill, and Rhonda J Scott adapted by professor Guariglia David W Ball | general organic and chemistry I: chem 161 version 101 |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4866-6 | John W. Hill, Rhonda J. Scott David W. Ball | General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry II: Chem 162 Version 1.0.2 (General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry II) |
'' | 978-1-4533-4877-2 | Joseph M. Manzo | How to Use Microsoft? Excel? The Careers in Practice Series |
2013 | 978-1-4533-4972-4 | URA PORTOLESE DIAS | HUMAN RELATIONS |
2012 | 978-1-4533-4973-1 | Human Relations |
'' | 978-1-4533-4975-5 | Laura Portolese Dias | Human Relations |
'' | 978-1-4533-5155-0 | Principles of Macroeconomics V2.0 |
'' | 978-1-4533-5157-4 | Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen | Principles of Macroeconomics, v. 2.0 |
2014 | 978-1-4533-5200-7 | Jones | Communications in the Real World |
2013 | 978-1-4533-5202-1 | Jr. Richard G. Jones | Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies, v. 1.0 |
2013 | 978-1-4533-5233-5 | Principles of Economics, V. 2.0 |
2012 | 978-1-4533-5235-9 | Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen | Principles of Economics, v. 2.0 |
'' | 978-1-4533-5244-1 | Russell Darnall and John M. Preston | Project Management: from Simple to Complex, v. 1.1 |
2013 | 978-1-4533-5245-8 | Essentials of Nutrition: A Functional Approach (Version 1.0) |
2012 | 978-1-4533-5247-2 | Maureen Zimmerman and Beth Snow | Essentials of Nutrition: A Functional Approach, v. 1.0 |
2014 | 978-1-4533-5378-3 | John Pennington and Ryan Cordell | Writing about Literature through Theory Version 1.0 |
2013 | 978-1-4533-5380-6 | '' | Writing about Literature through Theory, v. 1.0 |
2014 | 978-1-4533-5445-2 | and Jeremy Short Mason Carpenter Tayla Bauer Berrin Erdogan | Principles of Management |
2013 | 978-1-4533-5447-6 | author | Principles of Management, v. 2.0 |
'' | 978-1-4533-5466-7 | Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Brief Edition Version 1.2 |
'' | 978-1-4533-5468-1 | Steve Barkan | Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, Brief Edition, v. 1.2 |
'' | 978-1-4533-5520-6 | Marcus Tye | Sexuality and Our Diversity: Integrating Culture with the Biopsychosocial Version 1.0 |
2013 | 978-1-4533-5522-0 | Marcus Tye | Sexuality & Our Diversity: Integrating Culture with the Biopsychosocial, v. 1.0 |
'' | 978-1-4533-5529-9 | Talya Bauer and Berrin Erdogan | Organizational Behavior V1.1.2 |
'' | 978-1-4533-5535-0 | Survey of Economics |
'' | 978-1-4533-5562-6 | Organizational Behavior, Version 1.1.1 |
'' | 978-1-4533-5619-7 | Charles Stangor | Introduction to Psychology |
2013 | 978-1-4533-5621-0 | Charles Stangor | Introduction to Psychology, v. 2.0 |
2012 | 978-1-4533-5631-9 | Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen | Principles of Microeconomics Version 1.0.1 |
2013 | 978-1-4533-5643-2 | Health Now |
'' | 978-1-4533-5645-6 | Linda B. White | Health Now: An Integrative Approach to Personal Health |
2014 | 978-1-4533-5694-4 | The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business |
2013 | 978-1-4533-5724-8 | Introduction to Psychology: Adapted by University of Cincinnati, Fall 2013 |
'' | 978-1-4533-5739-2 | Carpenter | International Business |
'' | 978-1-4533-5757-6 | Matt Magnusson, Michael Merenda Ross Gittell | The World of Business |
2008 | 978-1-4533-5778-1 | John Gallaugher | Information Systems A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology |
2014 | 978-1-4533-5829-0 | Steve Suranovic | International Trade: Theory and Policy, Version 1.0.4 |
2013 | 978-1-4533-5883-2 | John Gallaugher | Information Systems, A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology Version 1.4.2 |
2014 | 978-1-4533-5949-5 | Miles McCrimmon | The Flat World Knowledge Rhetorical Reader for Writers |
2013 | 978-1-4533-6108-5 | John Gallaugher | Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology |
2013 | 978-1-4533-6126-9 | Charles Stangor | Introduction to Psychology Version 1.0.14 |
'' | 978-1-4533-6140-5 | Collins | Selected Topics In Management v2.0.1 |
'' | 978-1-4533-6159-7 | Patrick L. Brockett and Yehuda Kahane Etti Baranoff | Risk Management for Enterprises and Individuals |
'' | 978-1-4533-6228-0 | Globalization and International Business, Version 1.0.3 |
2014 | 978-1-4533-6486-4 | Version 2.1 | Principles of Macroeconomics Version 2.1 |
'' | 978-1-4533-6574-8 | Charles Stangor | Introduction to Psychology, Version 2.1 |
| 978-1-4533-6655-4 | Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology Version 3.0 (B&w) |
2014 | 978-1-4533-6656-1 | Information Systems A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology |
2014 | 978-1-4533-6657-8 | John Gallaugher | Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology, V. 3.0 |
'' | 978-1-4533-6691-2 | Management & Organizational Behavior |
| 978-1-4533-6892-3 | Stille Nächte - helles Licht |
2015 | 978-1-4533-7117-6 | Talya Bauer · Berrin Erodogan | Organizational Behavior version 2.0 |