Mindseight Publications

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2010978-0-9826619-0-1Paul L. GubanyA Return to Abundance, Book 1: Money and happiness, abundance and prosperity, money and the unconscious mind: a mythological, psychological, historical, and family of origin look at money & its power
  ''978-0-9826619-1-8   ''A Return to Abundance, Book 2: Earning and spending money, self esteem, abundance and prosperity, coping skills and strategies: a money management self-help book for abundant life in troubled times
  ''978-0-9826619-5-6   ''A Return to Abundance, Book 3: Money management, personal finance education, budgeting, financial planning, time value of money principles, cash flow principles, budget worksheets: a self-help book