New World Ayurveda

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
2010978-0-9721233-2-7Paul Dugliss · M.D.Yoga & Ayurveda
2003978-0-9721233-4-1Gillian SansonThe Myth of Osteoporosis
2004978-0-9721233-5-8Nancy LonsdorfThe Ageless Woman: Natural Health and Beauty After Forty with Maharishi Ayurveda
2011978-0-9721233-6-5Gillian SansonThe Myth of Osteoporosis - Revised Edition
2005978-0-9721233-7-2Paul Dugliss · Sandra FernandezThe Myth of Cholesterol: Dispelling the Fear and Creating Real Heart Health
2010978-0-9721233-8-9Paul Dugliss · M.D.Enlightened Nutrition