Bermuda Maritime Museum Press

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1988978-0-921560-00-5Roger WillockBulwark of empire: Bermuda's fortified naval base 1860-1920
1992978-0-921560-01-2Edward HarrisGreat guns of Bermuda: A guide to the principal forts of the Bermuda Islands
1990978-0-921560-03-6Ian StranackThe Andrew and the Onions: The story of the Royal Navy in Bermuda, 1795-1975
  ''978-0-921560-04-3Wesley Frank CravenAn Introduction to the History of Bermuda
1997978-0-921560-11-1Edward C HarrisBermuda forts, 1612-1957