New World Perspectives

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1984978-0-920393-00-0Arthur KrokerTechnology and the Canadian mind: Innis, McLuhan, Grant
1994978-0-920393-23-9Arthur KrokerData trash: The theory of the virtual class
1993978-0-920393-37-6edited and with an introduction by Arthur · Marilouise KrokerThe last sex: feminism and outlaw bodies
1987978-0-920393-44-4Arthur KrokerThe postmodern scene: Excremental culture and hyper-aesthetics
1996978-0-920393-50-5   ''Hacking the future: Stories for the flesh-eating 90s
1997978-0-920393-71-0Arthur Kroker · Marilouise KrokerDigital delirium
1992978-0-920393-90-1Arthur KrokerThe possessed individual: technology and the French postmodern
1987978-0-920393-96-3Arthur Kroker · Marilouise KrokerBody invaders: Panic sex in America