
year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1975978-0-909081-00-3J. V., and Sheehan, P. J., and Australia. Interim Committee for the Australian Schools Commission. Schools in Australia D'CruzThe Renewal of Australian schools: Essays on educational planning in Australia after the Karmel report
  ''978-0-909081-01-0Reading: A source book for teachers
1978978-0-909081-25-6Cliff GreenThe sun is up: Memories of country school-days
  ''978-0-909081-27-0Dawn · McQuillen, Brian AndersonMud, Daisies and Sparrows. Exploring Outdoor Environments
1979978-0-909081-29-4Brian McKinlayA documentary history of the Australian labor movement, 1850-1975