International Finance Section

year of pub­li­ca­ti­onISBNauthor(s)title
1991978-0-88165-090-7Michael BrunoHigh Inflation and the Nominal Anchors of an Open Economy (Essays in international finance)
1993978-0-88165-097-6Paul KrugmanWhat Do We Need to Know About the International Monetary System?
1994978-0-88165-099-0Raymond F. MikesellThe Bretton Woods Debates: A Memoir (Essays in International Finance Series: No 192)
1997978-0-88165-109-6Harold JamesMonetary and Fiscal Unification in Nineteenth-Century Germany: What Can Kohl Learn from Bismarck? (Essays in International Economics)
1995978-0-88165-249-9Edward E. LeamerThe Hecksher-Ohlin Model in Theory and Practice