year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
2018 | 978-0-342-00309-9 | Isaac Watts | Church Psalmody: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, Adapted to Public Worship. Selected from Watts and Other Authors |
'' | 978-0-342-00313-6 | William Allyn Richards | Forging of Iron and Steel: A Text Book for the Use of Students in Colleges, Secondary Schools and the Shop |
'' | 978-0-342-00457-7 | Augustus de Morgan | Formal Logic: Or, the Calculus of Inference, Necessary and Probable |
'' | 978-0-342-00458-4 | Augustus de Morgan | Formal Logic: Or, the Calculus of Inference, Necessary and Probable |
'' | 978-0-342-00611-3 | Paul Cohnheim | Diseases of the Digestive Canal: (oesophagus, Stomach, Intestines) |
2018 | 978-0-342-01037-0 | George Alfred Denny | Diamond Drilling for Gold and Other Minerals: A Practical Handbook on the Use of Modern Diamond Core Drills in Prospecting and Exploiting ... of the Cost of Apparatus and of Working |
'' | 978-0-342-01704-1 | Henry Ward Beecher | Plymouth Collection of Hymns and Tunes for the Use of Christian Congregations. Supplementary Hymns, Added by the Churches of the Miami Conference, 1856, 25p., at End |
'' | 978-0-342-02237-3 | George Alfred Denny | Diamond Drilling for Gold and Other Minerals: A Practical Handbook on the Use of Modern Diamond Core Drills in Prospecting and Exploiting ... of the Cost of Apparatus and of Working |
'' | 978-0-342-02592-3 | Christina Blackie | Geographical Etymology: A Dictionary of Place-Names Giving Their Derivations |
'' | 978-0-342-02593-0 | Christina Blackie | Geographical Etymology: A Dictionary of Place-Names Giving Their Derivations |
2018 | 978-0-342-02982-2 | Adolf Neubauer | The Book of Tobit: A Chaldee Text from a Unique Ms. in the Bodleian Library, with Other Rabbinical Texts, English Translations and the Itala, |
'' | 978-0-342-03518-2 | Richard Dedekind | Was Sind Und Was Sollen Die Zahlen? (German Edition) |
'' | 978-0-342-03872-5 | Thomas William Lawson | Friday the 13th |
'' | 978-0-342-04477-1 | Alexander Macbean | A Dictionary of Ancient Geography: Explaining the Local Appellations in Sacred, Grecian, and Roman History; Exhibiting the Extent of Kingdoms, and ... in the Greek and Roman Poets. the Whol |
'' | 978-0-342-04961-5 | John Adams | A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, Against the Attack of M. Turgot in His Letter to Dr. Price, Dated the Twenty-Second Day of March, 1778; Volume 3 |
2018 | 978-0-342-04962-2 | John Adams | A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, Against the Attack of M. Turgot in His Letter to Dr. Price, Dated the Twenty-Second Day of March, 1778; Volume 3 |
'' | 978-0-342-05271-4 | Isaac Newton · Andrew Motte · John Machin | The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy; Volume 1 |
'' | 978-0-342-05497-8 | John Wheeler Tufts · Benjamin Franklin Baker | Church Choral-Book: Containing Tunes and Hymns for Congregational Singing and Adapted to Choirs and Social Worship |
'' | 978-0-342-05498-5 | John Wheeler Tufts · Benjamin Franklin Baker | Church Choral-Book: Containing Tunes and Hymns for Congregational Singing and Adapted to Choirs and Social Worship |
'' | 978-0-342-06852-4 | Frederick Overman | The Manufacture of Iron, in All Its Various Branches: Including a Description of Wood-Cutting, Coal Digging, and the Burning of Charcoal and Coke; The ... of Blast Furnaces, Working by Charcoal, Co |
2018 | 978-0-342-07684-0 | Thomas Lathrop Stedman | Twentieth Century Practice: An International Encyclopedia of Modern Medical Science |
'' | 978-0-342-07685-7 | Thomas Lathrop Stedman | Twentieth Century Practice: An International Encyclopedia of Modern Medical Science |
'' | 978-0-342-07697-0 | George Chalmers | Caledonia, Or, a Historical and Topographical Account of North Britain from the Most Ancient to the Present Times: With a Dictionary of Places, Chorographical and Philological; Volume 4 |
'' | 978-0-342-07758-8 | William Stanley Jevons | Elementary Lessons in Logic |
'' | 978-0-342-07759-5 | William Stanley Jevons | Elementary Lessons in Logic |
2018 | 978-0-342-08078-6 | Samuel Lewis | A Topographical Dictionary of England: Comprising the Several Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Corporate & Market Towns ...& the Islands of Guernsey, ... by Maps of the Different Counties & |
'' | 978-0-342-08079-3 | Samuel Lewis | A Topographical Dictionary of England: Comprising the Several Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Corporate & Market Towns ...& the Islands of Guernsey, ... by Maps of the Different Counties & |
'' | 978-0-342-08904-8 | John Barr | Complete Index & Concise Dictionary of the Holy Bible: In Which the Various Persons, Places, & Subjects Mentioned in It Are Accurately Referred To; & Difficult Words Briefly Explained |
'' | 978-0-342-08905-5 | John Barr | Complete Index & Concise Dictionary of the Holy Bible: In Which the Various Persons, Places, & Subjects Mentioned in It Are Accurately Referred To; & Difficult Words Briefly Explained |
'' | 978-0-342-09171-3 | William Williams | Hosannah to the Son of David; Or, Hymns of Praise to God for Our Glorious Redemption by Christ & Gloria in Excelsis Or, Hymns of Praise to God & the Lamb |
2018 | 978-0-342-09479-0 | Ellis Warren Lazell | Hydrated Lime: History, Manufacture and Uses in Plaster, Mortar, Concrete; A Manual for the Architect, Engineer, Contractor and Builder |
'' | 978-0-342-09891-0 | Newton Henry Chittenden · William Bettridge | Official Report of the Exploration of the Queen Charlotte Islands for the Government of British Columbia |
'' | 978-0-342-10186-3 | Thomas Potter | Concrete: Its Uses in Building from Foundations to Finish |
'' | 978-0-342-10187-0 | Thomas Potter | Concrete: Its Uses in Building from Foundations to Finish |
'' | 978-0-342-10254-9 | Roy A Seaton | Concrete Construction for Rural Communities |
2018 | 978-0-342-10956-2 | William Rawle | A View of the Constitution of the United States of America |
'' | 978-0-342-10957-9 | William Rawle | A View of the Constitution of the United States of America |
'' | 978-0-342-11042-1 | Harmon Howard Rice | Concrete-Block Manufacture: Processes and Machines |
'' | 978-0-342-11055-1 | Universal Portland Cement Company | Concrete Silos: A Booklet of Practical Information for the Farmer and the Rural Contractor |
'' | 978-0-342-11094-0 | Anonymous | American History and Encyclopedia of Music; Volume 10 |
2018 | 978-0-342-11095-7 | Anonymous | American History and Encyclopedia of Music; Volume 10 |
'' | 978-0-342-11308-8 | William Smith | A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography: Abridged from the Larger Dictionary |
'' | 978-0-342-11309-5 | William Smith | A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography: Abridged from the Larger Dictionary |
'' | 978-0-342-11737-6 | William Worthington · Granville Lowther | The Encyclopedia of Practical Horticulture: A Reference System of Commercial Horticulture, Covering the Practical and Scientific Phases of ... Reference to Fruits and Vegetables; Volume 1 |
'' | 978-0-342-11918-9 | John Mason Neale | Hymns of the Eastern Church |
2018 | 978-0-342-12015-4 | William a Radford | Cement Houses and How to Build Them: Illustrated Details of Construction, Standard Specifications for Cement ...: Perspective Views and Floor Plans of Concrete Block and Cement Plaster Houses |
'' | 978-0-342-12053-6 | Walter Hibbert | Electric Ignition for Motor Vehicles |
'' | 978-0-342-12054-3 | Walter Hibbert | Electric Ignition for Motor Vehicles |
'' | 978-0-342-12660-6 | Lowell Mason | The New Carmina Sacra, or Boston Collection of Church Music: Comprising the Most Popular Psalm and Hymn Tunes in General Use, Together with a Great ... Chants, Sentences, Motetts, and Anthems |
'' | 978-0-342-13355-0 | Harry Brearley | The Heat Treatment of Tool Steel: An Illustrated Description of the Physical Changes and Properties Induced in Tool Steel by Heating and Cooling Operations |
2018 | 978-0-342-14128-9 | Joshua Rose | The Complete Practical Machinist: Embracing Lathe Work, Vise Work, Drills and Drilling, Taps and Dies, Hardening and Tempering, the Making and Use of Tools, Etc., Etc |
'' | 978-0-342-14248-4 | Newton Henry Chittenden | Official Report of the Exploration of the Queen Charlotte Islands for the Government of British Columbia |
'' | 978-0-342-14509-6 | Methodist Protestant Church (U S 1830 | The Methodist Protestant Church Hymnal: Containing Also the Ritual and Selections from Scripture for Responsive Reading |
'' | 978-0-342-14510-2 | '' | The Methodist Protestant Church Hymnal: Containing Also the Ritual and Selections from Scripture for Responsive Reading |
'' | 978-0-342-14585-0 | Woodrow Wilson | Constitutional Government in the United States |
2018 | 978-0-342-14586-7 | Woodrow Wilson | Constitutional Government in the United States |
'' | 978-0-342-14746-5 | Charles William Pasley | Observations on Limes, Calcareous Cements, Mortars, Stuccos and Concrete, and on Puzzolanas, Natural and Artificial, Part 1 |
'' | 978-0-342-15445-6 | Francis Cowles Frary | Laboratory Manual of Glass-Blowing |
'' | 978-0-342-15860-7 | George W Cravens | Welding: A Practical Treatise on the Applications of Electric, Gas, and Thermit Welding to Manufacturing and Repair Work |
'' | 978-0-342-15884-3 | Alfred Young | The Catholic Hymnal: Containing Hymns for Congregational and Home Use, and the Vesper Psalms, the Office of Compline, the Litanies, Hymns at Benediction, Etc., the Words Original and Selected |
2018 | 978-0-342-15981-9 | Frederick Overman | The Manufacture of Steel: Containing the Practice and Principles of Working and Making Steel: A Hand-Book for Blacksmiths and Workers in Steel and Iron ... and for Men of Science and Art |
'' | 978-0-342-15982-6 | '' | The Manufacture of Steel: Containing the Practice and Principles of Working and Making Steel: A Hand-Book for Blacksmiths and Workers in Steel and Iron ... and for Men of Science and Art |
'' | 978-0-342-17833-9 | John Adams | A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, Against the Attack of M. Turgot in His Letter to Dr. Price, Dated the Twenty-Second Day of March, 1778; Volume 1 |
'' | 978-0-342-19031-7 | Anna Adams Gordon | The White Ribbon Hymnal, Or, Echoes of the Crusade: Compiled for the National and World's Woman's Christian Temperance Unions |
'' | 978-0-342-19074-4 | Max Heindel | Simplified Scientific Astrology: A Complete Textbook on the Art of Erecting a Horoscope, with Philosophic Encyclopedia and Tables of Planetary Hours |
2018 | 978-0-342-20499-1 | Charles Loudon Bloxam · Alfred Kirby Huntington | Metals: Their Properties and Treatment |
'' | 978-0-342-22388-6 | David Penn Moreton | Automobile Electrical Systems: An Analysis of All the Systems Now Used on Motor Cars with 200 Wiring Diagrams and Giving Special Attention to Trouble Shooting and Repairs |
'' | 978-0-342-22389-3 | David Penn Moreton | Automobile Electrical Systems: An Analysis of All the Systems Now Used on Motor Cars with 200 Wiring Diagrams and Giving Special Attention to Trouble Shooting and Repairs |
'' | 978-0-342-22658-0 | Victor Wilfred Page | Automobile Starting, Lighting and Ignition: Elementary Principles, Practical Application, Wiring Diagrams and Repair Hints; A Complete Exposition ... Combustion Engines of All Types, Also |
'' | 978-0-342-22659-7 | Victor Wilfred Page | Automobile Starting, Lighting and Ignition: Elementary Principles, Practical Application, Wiring Diagrams and Repair Hints; A Complete Exposition ... Combustion Engines of All Types, Also |
2018 | 978-0-342-23388-5 | Henry Marion Howe | The Metallography of Steel and Cast Iron |
'' | 978-0-342-24150-7 | Harold Pender | Direct-Current Machinery: A Text-Book on the Theory and Performance of Generators and Motors |
'' | 978-0-342-24151-4 | Harold Pender | Direct-Current Machinery: A Text-Book on the Theory and Performance of Generators and Motors |
'' | 978-0-342-24952-7 | Joseph Story | A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States |
'' | 978-0-342-25020-2 | Thomas Kelly Cheyne | Encyclopædia Biblica: A Critical Dictionary of the Literary, Political and Religious History, the Archæology, Geography, and Natural History of the Bible; Volume 3 |
2018 | 978-0-342-25021-9 | Thomas Kelly Cheyne | Encyclopædia Biblica: A Critical Dictionary of the Literary, Political and Religious History, the Archæology, Geography, and Natural History of the Bible; Volume 3 |
'' | 978-0-342-25346-3 | Joseph Story | A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States: Containing a Brief Commentary on Every Clause, Explaining the True Nature, Reasons, ... and General Readers. with an Appendix, Conta |
'' | 978-0-342-25347-0 | '' | A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States: Containing a Brief Commentary on Every Clause, Explaining the True Nature, Reasons, ... and General Readers. with an Appendix, Conta |
'' | 978-0-342-27506-9 | James Madison | The Virginia Report of 1799-1800: Touching the Alien and Sedition Laws; Together with the Virginia Resolutions of December 21, 1798, Including the ... and Other Documents Illustrative of the |
'' | 978-0-342-27693-6 | Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of | The Lutheran Hymnary |
2018 | 978-0-342-29159-5 | Dayton Clarence Miller | The Science of Musical Sounds |
'' | 978-0-342-29230-1 | James a Moore | Book of Common Praise: Hymnal Companion to the Prayer Book, Suited to the Special Seasons of the Christian Year, and Other Occasions of Public ... and Family, with Accompanying Tunes |
'' | 978-0-342-29775-7 | Thomas Kelly Cheyne | Encyclopædia Biblica: A Critical Dictionary of the Literary, Political and Religious History, the Archæology, Geography, and Natural History of the Bible; Volume 4 |
'' | 978-0-342-29776-4 | '' | Encyclopædia Biblica: A Critical Dictionary of the Literary, Political and Religious History, the Archæology, Geography, and Natural History of the Bible; Volume 4 |
'' | 978-0-342-30726-5 | Thomas Moore | Engineers' and General Smiths' Work: The Smith and Forgeman's Handbook of Practical Smithing and Forging, with Numerous Illustrations, Examples, and Tables |
2018 | 978-0-342-30736-4 | Wilbur Fisk Crafts | Song Victories of the Bliss and Sankey Hymns,: Being a Collection of One Hundred Incidents in Regards to the Origin and Power of the Hymns Contained in Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs. |
'' | 978-0-342-30760-9 | William Burnside | Theory of Groups of Finite Order |
'' | 978-0-342-30943-6 | David Woodhull Miller | Sabbath Songs and Spiritual Hymns: For Sabbath Schools, Gospel Meetings and the Home Circle |
'' | 978-0-342-31012-8 | George A Hool · Charles Smith Whitney | Concrete Designers' Manual, Tables and Diagrams for the Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures |
'' | 978-0-342-31831-5 | Justin Winsor | Narrative and Critical History of America ...: Aboriginal America. [c1889 |
2018 | 978-0-342-32215-2 | Common Praise | Common Praise: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs for Use in the Church of England |
'' | 978-0-342-33069-0 | John Hawkesworth | Graphical Handbook for Reinforced Concrete Design |
'' | 978-0-342-33139-0 | John Frank Friese | Farm Blacksmithing: A Textbook and Problem Book for Students in Agricultural Schools and Colleges, Technical Schools, and for Farmers |
'' | 978-0-342-34160-3 | Harvey Whipple | Concrete Stone Manufacture |
'' | 978-0-342-34161-0 | Harvey Whipple | Concrete Stone Manufacture |
2018 | 978-0-342-34246-4 | Samuel Birch | History of Ancient Pottery: Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman |
'' | 978-0-342-34888-6 | Harvey Rowell | Manual of Instruction in Hard Soldering: With an Appendix on the Repair of Bicycle Frames; Notes on Alloys and a Chapter on Soft Soldering |
'' | 978-0-342-35162-6 | William Mattieu Williams | The Chemistry of Iron & Steel Making: And of Their Practical Uses |
'' | 978-0-342-36699-6 | Merck & Co | Merck's 1896 Index: An Encyclopedia for the Physician and the Pharmacist |
'' | 978-0-342-37362-8 | Warren King Moorehead | The Stone Age in North America: An Archæological Encyclopedia of the Implements, Ornaments, Weapons, Utensils, Etc., of the Prehistoric Tribes of North America; Volume 1 |
2018 | 978-0-342-37363-5 | Warren King Moorehead | The Stone Age in North America: An Archæological Encyclopedia of the Implements, Ornaments, Weapons, Utensils, Etc., of the Prehistoric Tribes of North America; Volume 1 |
'' | 978-0-342-37846-3 | Liberty Hyde Bailey · Arthur Witter Gilbert | Plant-Breeding |
'' | 978-0-342-37847-0 | Liberty Hyde Bailey · Arthur Witter Gilbert | Plant-Breeding |
'' | 978-0-342-38670-3 | Thomas Kelly Cheyne · John Sutherland Black | Encyclopædia Biblica: A Critical Dictionary of the Literary, Political and Religious History, the Archæology, Geography, and Natural History of the ... History, the Archæology, Geography, an |
'' | 978-0-342-38671-0 | Thomas Kelly Cheyne · John Sutherland Black | Encyclopædia Biblica: A Critical Dictionary of the Literary, Political and Religious History, the Archæology, Geography, and Natural History of the ... History, the Archæology, Geography, an |
2018 | 978-0-342-39749-5 | Joseph Vincent Woodworth | Hardening, Tempering, Annealing and Forging of Steel: A Treatise on the Practical Treatment and Working of High and Low Grade Steel |
'' | 978-0-342-39854-6 | Thorstein Veblen | The Engineers and the Price System |
'' | 978-0-342-41790-2 | George Bush · Richard Palmer | The Bible Atlas: Or Sacred Geography Delineated, in a Complete Series of Scriptural Maps |
'' | 978-0-342-43124-3 | William Hughes | Bible Maps, Or, a Historical and Descriptive Atlas of Scripture Geography ... |
'' | 978-0-342-43125-0 | William Hughes | Bible Maps, Or, a Historical and Descriptive Atlas of Scripture Geography ... |
2018 | 978-0-342-43842-6 | Alfred Joseph Sewell | The Dog's Medical Dictionary: An Encyclopedia of the Diseases, Their Diagnosis & Treatment, and the Physical Development of the Dog |
'' | 978-0-342-44518-9 | Ernst Buschor | Greek Vase-Painting |
'' | 978-0-342-44519-6 | Ernst Buschor | Greek Vase-Painting |
'' | 978-0-342-44858-6 | Charles Creighton | A History of Epidemics in Britain ..; Volume 1 |
'' | 978-0-342-44859-3 | Charles Creighton | A History of Epidemics in Britain ..; Volume 1 |
2018 | 978-0-342-45784-7 | Charles Davison | A Manual of Seismology |
'' | 978-0-342-45785-4 | Charles Davison | A Manual of Seismology |
'' | 978-0-342-47369-4 | John Hurley | The Tree, the Olive, the Oil in the Old and New World |
'' | 978-0-342-47426-4 | Anonymous | University Musical Encyclopedia: A History of Music; Volume II |
2018 | 978-0-342-47427-1 | Anonymous | University Musical Encyclopedia: A History of Music; Volume II |
'' | 978-0-342-47813-2 | Leonard Church Urquhart | Elementary Reinforced Concrete Building Design |
'' | 978-0-342-49243-5 | Hugh Chisholm | The Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information; Volume 14 |
'' | 978-0-342-49244-2 | Hugh Chisholm | The Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information; Volume 14 |
'' | 978-0-342-49265-7 | William Smith | Dr. William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible: Comprising Its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History; Volume 2 |
2018 | 978-0-342-49266-4 | William Smith | Dr. William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible: Comprising Its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History; Volume 2 |
'' | 978-0-342-49373-9 | Alexander Campbell | The Christian Hymn Book: A Compilation of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected |
'' | 978-0-342-49475-0 | Anonymous | The Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information; Volume 15 |
'' | 978-0-342-49476-7 | '' | The Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information; Volume 15 |
'' | 978-0-342-49589-4 | '' | The Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information; Volume 16 |
2018 | 978-0-342-49590-0 | Anonymous | The Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information; Volume 16 |
'' | 978-0-342-49594-8 | Henry Woldmar Ruoff | The Standard Dictionary of Facts: History, Language, Literature, Biography, Geography, Travel, Art, Government, Politics, Industry, Invention, ... A Practical Handbook of Ready Referen |
'' | 978-0-342-49641-9 | Hugh Chisholm | The Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information; Volume 10 |
'' | 978-0-342-49642-6 | '' | The Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information; Volume 10 |
'' | 978-0-342-49707-2 | Anonymous | A Gazetteer of the World: Or, Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge, Compiled From the Most Recent Authorities, and Forming a Complete Body of Modern ... Statistical, Historical, and Ethnographical |
2018 | 978-0-342-49730-0 | Thomas Kelly Cheyne · John Sutherland Black | Encyclopædia Biblica: A Critical Dictionary of the Literary, Political and Religious History, the Archæology, Geography, and Natural History of the Bible; Volume 2 |
'' | 978-0-342-51190-7 | Rupert Hughes | Music Lovers Encyclopedia |
'' | 978-0-342-51722-0 | Charles Creighton | A History of Epidemics in Britain; Volume 2 |
'' | 978-0-342-51723-7 | '' | A History of Epidemics in Britain; Volume 2 |
'' | 978-0-342-51782-4 | Nicholas Carlisle | A Concise Description of the Endowed Grammar Schools in England and Wales; Volume 1 |
2018 | 978-0-342-51916-3 | Inc Scientific American | The Encyclopedia Americana: A Universal Reference Library Comprising the Arts and Sciences, Literature, History, Biography, Geography, Commerce, Etc., of the World; Volume 9 |
'' | 978-0-342-51917-0 | Inc Scientific American | The Encyclopedia Americana: A Universal Reference Library Comprising the Arts and Sciences, Literature, History, Biography, Geography, Commerce, Etc., of the World; Volume 9 |
'' | 978-0-342-51982-8 | Hugh Chisholm | The Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information; Volume 11 |
2018 | 978-0-342-51983-5 | Hugh Chisholm | The Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information; Volume 11 |
'' | 978-0-342-52060-2 | William Smith | Dr. William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible: Comprising Its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History; Volume 1 |
'' | 978-0-342-52077-0 | Charles Creighton | A History of Epidemics in Britain |
'' | 978-0-342-53089-2 | John Milne | Celtic Place-Names in Aberdeenshire: With a Vocabulary of Gaelic Words Not in Dictionaries; The Meaning and Etymology of the Gaelic Names of Places in ... for the Committee of the Carnegie Trust |
'' | 978-0-342-53090-8 | John Milne | Celtic Place-Names in Aberdeenshire: With a Vocabulary of Gaelic Words Not in Dictionaries; The Meaning and Etymology of the Gaelic Names of Places in ... for the Committee of the Carnegie Trust |
2018 | 978-0-342-55245-0 | Author Allan H Gilbert | A Geographical Dictionary of Milton |
'' | 978-0-342-55246-7 | Author Allan H Gilbert | A Geographical Dictionary of Milton |
'' | 978-0-342-55833-9 | C Tuells | Metal Spinning |
'' | 978-0-342-55834-6 | C Tuells | Metal Spinning |
'' | 978-0-342-56121-6 | Philip Tome | Pioneer Life; Or, Thirty Years a Hunter. Being Scenes and Adventures in the Life of Philip Tome |
2018 | 978-0-342-57813-9 | James Herndon | Notes from a Schoolteacher |
'' | 978-0-342-58778-0 | William Maver | American Telegraphy and Encyclopedia of the Telegraph: Systems, Apparatus, Operation. Embracing Electrical Testing; Primary and Storage Batteries; ... Automatic, and Wireless Telegraphy; Burgla |
'' | 978-0-342-60303-9 | Thomas Francis Googerty | Practical Forging and Art Smithing |
'' | 978-0-342-60304-6 | Thomas Francis Googerty | Practical Forging and Art Smithing |
'' | 978-0-342-60497-5 | Wordsworth Collection · Cynthia Morgan St John · J R 1855-1913 Tjutin | The Wordsworth Dictionary of Persons and Places; With the Familiar Quotations from His Works (Including Full Index) and a Chronologically-Arranged List of His Best Poems |
2018 | 978-0-342-60759-4 | Charles Hallock | The Sportsman's Gazetteer and General Guide. the Game Animals, Birds and Fishes of North America: Their Habits and Various Methods of Capture. Copious ... Together with a Glossary, and a Directory |
'' | 978-0-342-60760-0 | Charles Hallock | The Sportsman's Gazetteer and General Guide. the Game Animals, Birds and Fishes of North America: Their Habits and Various Methods of Capture. Copious ... Together with a Glossary, and a Directory |
'' | 978-0-342-60914-7 | Richard Harris | Illustrations in Advocacy: Examples of Conducting the Prosecution and Defense of Civil and Criminal Cases, Including Methods of Cross-Examination: ... and the Story of the Tichborne Trial Retold |
'' | 978-0-342-63488-0 | Harris Hancock | Lectures on the Theory of Elliptic Functions |
'' | 978-0-342-64233-5 | Ralph Payne-Gallwey | Appendix to the Book of the Crossbow and Ancient Projectile Engines |
2018 | 978-0-342-64234-2 | Ralph Payne-Gallwey | Appendix to the Book of the Crossbow and Ancient Projectile Engines |
'' | 978-0-342-64721-7 | William Brisbane Dick | Encyclopedia of Practical Receipts and Processes. Containing Over 6400 Receipts; Embracing Thorough Information, in Plain Language, Applicable to ... Possible Industrial and Domestic Requirement |
'' | 978-0-342-64722-4 | William Brisbane Dick | Encyclopedia of Practical Receipts and Processes. Containing Over 6400 Receipts; Embracing Thorough Information, in Plain Language, Applicable to ... Possible Industrial and Domestic Requirement |
'' | 978-0-342-65132-0 | John Lord Bacon · Edward Russell Markham | Forge-Practice and Heat Treatment of Steel |
'' | 978-0-342-65301-0 | Stewart Culin | Games of the North American Indian |
2018 | 978-0-342-65482-6 | Wilhelm Gesenius · E 1841-1910 Kautzsch · A E 1861-1931 Cowley | Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar |
'' | 978-0-342-65503-8 | Percival Marson | Glass and Glass Manufacture |
'' | 978-0-342-65504-5 | Percival Marson | Glass and Glass Manufacture |
'' | 978-0-342-66615-7 | Allen Boyer McDaniel | Influence of Temperature on the Strength of Concrete |
'' | 978-0-342-67521-0 | Conde Benoist Pallen · Charles George Herbermann · Edward Aloysius Pace | The Catholic Encyclopedia: Supplementary Volume, Containing Revisions of the Articles on Canon Law |
2018 | 978-0-342-67522-7 | Conde Benoist Pallen · Charles George Herbermann · Edward Aloysius Pace | The Catholic Encyclopedia: Supplementary Volume, Containing Revisions of the Articles on Canon Law |
'' | 978-0-342-68061-0 | Frederick Thomas Hodgson | Mortars, Plasters, Stuccos, Artificial Marble, Concretes, Portland Cements and Compositions: Being a Thorough and Practical Treatise on the Latest and ... Cements, Mastics and Compositons in Constru |
'' | 978-0-342-69788-5 | John McWilliams Berry | Orthopedic Surgery for Nurses |
'' | 978-0-342-69789-2 | '' | Orthopedic Surgery for Nurses |
'' | 978-0-342-73198-5 | Cyrus Adler · Isidore Singer | The Jewish Encyclopedia: A Descriptive Record of the History, Religion, Literature, and Customs of the Jewish People from the Earliest Times to the Present Day |
2018 | 978-0-342-73199-2 | Cyrus Adler · Isidore Singer | The Jewish Encyclopedia: A Descriptive Record of the History, Religion, Literature, and Customs of the Jewish People from the Earliest Times to the Present Day |
'' | 978-0-342-74335-3 | Fedor Krause | Surgery of the Brain and Spinal Cord Based on Personal Experiences; Volume 3 |
'' | 978-0-342-74478-7 | Samuel Lewis | A Topographical Dictionary of Scotland, Comprising the Several Counties, Islands, Cities, Burgh and Market Towns, Parishes, and Principal Villages |
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